Saturday, November 30, 2019
the chrysalids Essay Example
the chrysalids Essay the chrysalids BY ntul 23gi11123 The Chrysalids society and our modern society is very similar because both societies are Judged how people look but a difference is how religion plays role in daily life, and that modern society is still accepting compared to the Chrysalids society. The appearance of a human in both societies is very big. People even in modern society are called bunch of names still, for example someone with braces or glasses are always teased. In the Chrysalids society this would be known as a blasphemy against the true image of god, and hateful in the sight of god. 13) This meant that anyone that was not human like was killed (deviants). This also referred to plants and animals. The cause of deviation in the Chyrsalids society is because of the radiation from a nuclear war. The Chrysalids religion compared to modern societys religion is very different. The Chrysalids society only thought in one perspective and one belief, whereas now in modern society there are so m any perspectives and beliefs. For example Sophie is a girl David met who has six toes, and if anyone found out she would be killed. Sophie pleaded for her life the day David saw the extra toe, as she said you mustnt ever tell, never, never! Promise? (9) Luckily David is also a deviant and kept her secret. With this perspective and belief, the Waknuk society had an impact on controlling peoples actions that caused isolation and most people didnt understand of situations like this at all. A big difference in modern society compared to the Chrysalids society is that modern society still accepts. If somebody was to have a disease or physical appearance problem, modern society would help them and ssist with that whereas in the Chrysalids society you would be killed. We will write a custom essay sample on the chrysalids specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on the chrysalids specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on the chrysalids specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer In the story Joseph Storm Davids father had an incident with the Dakers cat. He believed that this cat was a deviant so he got a warrant for it and killed it. Soon after he found out that the Dakers cat was a recognized breed of tailless cats with a well-authenticated history (37) This shows how strict they were on appearance. The societys are similar in some ways because there is still rejection of appearance but differs because how religion is practised and also that modern society still welcomes everyone and isnt killed.
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Free Essays on O.C.D.
Extra Credit Assignment O.C.D. The definition of ‘obsessive compulsive disorder’ is an anxiety disorder that is characterized by repetitive, irrational, intrusive thoughts, impulses or images and irresistible impulses to engage repeatedly in some acts (Schwartz). Individuals with an obsessive compulsive disorder do not want or enjoy the obsessive thoughts or time- consuming compulsions; They think of them as excessive and feel as if they interfere with daily functions. The reason for this caution and avoidance of details is simple: many people with OCD are troubled by very explicit, offensive, and socially horrifying, obsessions or compulsions. The most common and well-studied branch of OCD involves the OC where the undoing response generally involves some overt behavior. For example, the presence of dirt evokes a sense of threat and an incredible inspiration to reduce contamination. Most commonly the escape ritual involves a cleaning response. The next common form of OCD involves checking. The overwhelming impulse to recheck remains until the person experiences a reduction in tension despite the realizations that the item is secure. A less common form of OCD includes hoarding, which is the excessive saving of typically worthless items. Ordering is a sub-category, where individuals feel compelled to place items in a designated spot or order. This person fears a sense of being overwhelmed and impending anarchy if items are not placed exactly as they are arbitrarily determined. Another form of OCD is perfectionism, in which persons feel compelled to habitually Kearney 2 check for potential mistakes or errors that might reveal their own faults or might jeopardize the person’s stature at work. The next classification’s objective involves the escape or avoidance throughout an excessive mental behavior of unwanted thoughts. Pers... Free Essays on O.C.D. Free Essays on O.C.D. Extra Credit Assignment O.C.D. The definition of ‘obsessive compulsive disorder’ is an anxiety disorder that is characterized by repetitive, irrational, intrusive thoughts, impulses or images and irresistible impulses to engage repeatedly in some acts (Schwartz). Individuals with an obsessive compulsive disorder do not want or enjoy the obsessive thoughts or time- consuming compulsions; They think of them as excessive and feel as if they interfere with daily functions. The reason for this caution and avoidance of details is simple: many people with OCD are troubled by very explicit, offensive, and socially horrifying, obsessions or compulsions. The most common and well-studied branch of OCD involves the OC where the undoing response generally involves some overt behavior. For example, the presence of dirt evokes a sense of threat and an incredible inspiration to reduce contamination. Most commonly the escape ritual involves a cleaning response. The next common form of OCD involves checking. The overwhelming impulse to recheck remains until the person experiences a reduction in tension despite the realizations that the item is secure. A less common form of OCD includes hoarding, which is the excessive saving of typically worthless items. Ordering is a sub-category, where individuals feel compelled to place items in a designated spot or order. This person fears a sense of being overwhelmed and impending anarchy if items are not placed exactly as they are arbitrarily determined. Another form of OCD is perfectionism, in which persons feel compelled to habitually Kearney 2 check for potential mistakes or errors that might reveal their own faults or might jeopardize the person’s stature at work. The next classification’s objective involves the escape or avoidance throughout an excessive mental behavior of unwanted thoughts. Pers...
Friday, November 22, 2019
Emphasis named in Learning and Performance Institute’s top 20 learning providers
Emphasis named in Learning and Performance Institute’s top 20 learning providers Emphasis named top-20 learning provider Training is only worthwhile if it works. It needs to do far more than simply let you tick a box. That’s why we’re proud to announce that the Learning and Performance Institute (LPI) has named us one of the top 20 highest-performing learning providers in its latest report. Since 1995, the LPI has been evaluating, consulting on and promoting training that makes a real, demonstrable difference for individuals and organisations. Like us, it prioritises outcomes: no matter how good the delivery, it’s the results that matter. The best of the best When we gained LPI accreditation last year, we joined the ranks of learning providers including Pitney Bowes, SAS and Ricoh – organisations deemed to be continuously raising both learning standards and performance outcomes. The top-20 report goes a step further, highlighting those accredited providers who scored highest against the LPI’s key performance indicators – which range from client integrity to consultancy, and from live learning to quality management. The resulting list represents those organisations that clients can trust to match their offering to individuals’ needs and the organisation’s strategy. And the top performers had to do more than prove the quality of what they deliver – they had to guarantee the best user experience for prospective and existing clients too. This makes us, as LPI CEO Edmund Monk puts it, ‘trusted business partners, acting always in the best interests of their clients’. Your results are our reward Of course – as with any good acceptance speech – even as we grasp the award to our chests and beam with pride, we have to acknowledge we couldn’t have done it alone. Our training works because you do. So we want to thank every client and delegate who took it upon themselves to embrace the techniques we teach and put everything they learned into practice. As our CEO Rob Ashton puts it, ‘Every one of the 50,000 people we’ve helped down the years has been a critical part of our success. Enabling them to achieve the results they deserve through better written communication continues to be its own reward.’ See you at Learning Live in September And because we plan to continue to spread the good word about training that works, we’ll be exhibiting at the LPI’s Learning Live event on 5 and 6 September this year. If you’re going to be there, drop us a line to let us know or come and see us at our stand. We look forward to joining you as part of an event that explores practical solutions to the challenges people like you and your team face in the workplace today.
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
To IP and Beyond Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 2
To IP and Beyond - Essay Example Additionally, it is believed to be a biggest success for the reason that it successfully provided a small number of fundamental capabilities and services that everyone required at that time. In this scenario, some of the well-known applications and services that were supported by these protocols included remote logon, file transfer, and electronic mail (email) to a large number of users as well as server systems. In fact, a number of different systems located in a small building or office can employ TCP/IP (in conjunction with additional protocols) on a single local area network (LAN). Basically, this is a combination of two protocols, in which the internet protocol (IP) was established to fulfill a need for consistency of distinctiveness. Hence, the development of this protocol allowed all computers across the earth to share data and information the same way. In fact, it is the most affordable method to make a universal network. In addition, the IP part of the protocol allows effect ive routing from one location of a building to the organization’s central network, afterward to provincial networks, and ultimately to the worldwide Internet. As it was developed by DOD so it was intended to be used to provide support and services in battlefield. In view of the fact that on the battleground a communication medium or network will be used to maintain damage, hence the DOD developed TCP/IP to be vigorous and without human intervention recover from any phone line or terminal breakdown. In this scenario, this design facilitated them to construct a very large network with less central management. Though, due to the computerized processing, there was a chance that a wide variety of network issues can go uncorrected and unidentified for long periods of time. On the other hand, the development of TCP was aimed at providing the connection-oriented communication. In this scenario, the basic purpose of
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Intranet Functionality PowerPoint Presentation Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Intranet Functionality - PowerPoint Presentation Example In a hospital setting, the intranet is essential in facilitating communication, information publishing, interaction, collaboration, and online administration, directions to and within the hospital, digital forms, as well as web-based and intranet-enabled medical resources (Ong et al., n.p.). Specifically, these are functions that facilitate a smooth operation within the hospital; thus eliminating the prospect of medical errors. The intranet is an ideal platform to ensure effective and efficient communication within the firm. Precisely, the administration can use the web to post important memos or posters on various issues concerning the welfare of the workers or the patients. For example, it is important to pass email communication from the management to the workers (Ong et al., n.p.). In addition, it is appropriate for online administration where workers fill an activity for that record their daily duties including the time they arrived at the workstation and the time they left. However, for this to be effective, the intranet should be limited such that it is only accessible when an individual is within the hospital. The intranet is used for the other outlined activities to ensure proper communication; information sharing and interactions facilitate teamwork and improve the health care services within the firm (Ong et al., n.p.). Based on the functions of the intranet and its importance in a hospital setting, its maintenance and updating require qualified personnel on IT and management related competence. Specifically, the department and individuals mandated with the maintenance of the database should have vast experience of the working of the organization or have an assistant who has worked with the firm for some time (Ong et al., n.p.). Since the database requires occasional updating to provide information about the daily activities of the organization, the ideal decision is to establish an IT department that deals with the maintenance and
Saturday, November 16, 2019
From the Farm, Inc Marketing Plan Essay Example for Free
From the Farm, Inc Marketing Plan Essay The purpose of this paper is to determine how to drive more sales to From the Farm’s website as well as increase overall brand awareness through the use of targeted marketing and advertising programs and also to gain a deeper insight of prospective customers which can assist in forming target market segments and creating targeted marketing and advertising programs that cater to those segments. Furthermore, we need to determine how to remain cost-effective with these proposed improvements to the marketing programs. Being a small e-commerce startup with limited funds and personnel, FTF has struggled for over four years to create effective marketing programs and have seen very little positive impact of their past marketing efforts. The lack of an effective marketing strategy which includes targeted advertising has led to increased and somewhat unnecessary marketing costs because several of the marketing campaigns are built on the premise of â€Å"testing it out†and seeing what kind of response it gets. The implementation of targeted marketing and advertising programs can not only increase From the Farm’s sales revenue, but also be more cost-effective since the campaigns are targeted and relevant to their audience. In addition, an improved digital marketing strategy can help FromTheFarm. com improve their overall market positioning due to the fact that they will gain a better understanding of their customers through the data that is collected and thus enable them to build a more effect online marketing strategy. Furthermore, this enhanced insight of their customers can also enable them to improve their product development and product offerings on their website. All of these things combined can definitely contribute to growing their sales revenue and more importantly, by having targeted marketing and advertising programs, they can ensure that every dollar spent is not a dollar wasted. Company Background From The Farm, Inc. (FTF) is a privately-owned e-commerce company headquartered in Stockton, California which specializes in the sales and home delivery of gourmet and organic foods and produce. FTF was founded in 2008 with the purpose and intent of becoming â€Å"America’s Online Farmer’s Market†. According to a report done by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), farmers only earned an average of $0. 16 for every dollar spent on the food they produced (Canning, 2011). FTF’s mission is to provide an online marketplace which connects customers with American Family farms by offering farm-fresh products and other specialty food items delivered straight to their door. By allowing customer to purchase directly from the farmer though the website, they cut out the middle man, and therefore give customers the opportunity to taste and experience what truly fresh food and produce tastes like while also supporting the success and livelihood of hard-working farmers all over the county. FromTheFarm. com is currently funded by its parent company, Onions, Etc. , one of the largest onion distributors in the United States. Currently, FTF only has two full-time employees – the Chief Marketing Officer (CMO)/General Manager and a Marketing Specialist – in addition to the Founder/CEO, one marketing intern, and one contract-based Marketing/PR Consultant. Any other tasks with regards to finance and accounting are handled by Onions, Etc. personnel and all IT related tasks are outsourced to an outside IT firm and web design firm. FTF has undergone major organizational changes in the past twelve months, in an effort to restructure the marketing team with the intention of implementing an improved marketing strategy in order to grow sales and increase brand awareness. Due to limited funds and personnel, FTF has struggled to create an effective targeted marketing and advertising strategy and as a result have not seen much growth since being founded in 2008. 1. 0 Market Summary and Target Audience Being that From the Farm is a small, family-owned company they do not have the financial strength that other larger food retailers have; however they still have a tremendous opportunity to capture the market being that the food e-commerce market has yet to be penetrated. According to a recent report by eMarketer, as of 2012, U. S. -commerce sales have grown to $224. 2 billion and are expected to grow to $361. 9 billion by 2016. Currently, online food and beverage sales is the smallest U. S. e-commerce category, however, this segment reached sales of $5. 09 billion and experienced a 17% growth in 2012 (eMarketer, 2012). Another report by Nielsen indicates that the sales rate for consumer packaged goods online is expected to reach $25 billion by 2014. This t rending growth can be attributed to the fact that more and more consumers are beginning to do their grocery shopping online (Nielsen, 2011). FTF can definitely capitalize on this emerging trend since the online grocery shopping experience is primarily fueled by a needs-driven experience since there are a greater variety of options available online. In addition, e-commerce allows for smaller companies such as FTF to compete against â€Å"Big Brand†companies since the big brand physical advantages become nonexistent and opens up the opportunity to create a niche brand for customers who prefer to buy their food and groceries online. With a creative and effectively targeted market program, FTF can reach a significant amount of customers online and leverage unique and exclusive products such as tropical fruits, figs, Piedmontese beef, and fresh cherries to capture these customers. There is a huge opportunity to capitalize on the available internet marketing technologies being that there is so much data available through these marketing channels and the fact that many consumers are turning to e-commerce to purchase goods. According to a recent Digital Marketing Report by eMarketer, â€Å"88. % of US internet users ages 14 and up will browse or research products online in 2012, an 83. 9% of that group will make at least one purchase via the web during that year†(Peart, Utreras, Wang, 2011). Target Market Since From the Farm is a food e-commerce company, it is easy to assume that this website and its products can appeal to the masses. There is a large assortment of foods from fresh fruit and produce includin g exotic tropical fruits to certified organic meats to an array of desserts which means that FTF has something to offer every kind of customer. FTF’s customers will consist of individuals who are 25 years old and up and have a wide range of preferences when it comes to food, whether it may be parents looking for healthy foods for their kids or health conscious individuals who prefer organic and gluten-free products or chefs and restaurant owners that need to order in bulk, From the Farm can accommodate a very diverse set of needs. Nonetheless, From the Farm’s products aren’t just for those who want to purchase these items for personal consumption because From the Farm also offers products that can be sent as gifts. As stated previously, From the Farm’s customer base is diverse since it consists of individuals with varying needs and preferences when it comes to food selections. The primary market that FTF will target is the online grocery shopper market. The profile of typical online shoppers is as follows: single or dual-income households with no children and are technically savvy, affluent, and time poor. This group consists of early adopters of new technology and is heavy internet users who regularly purchase goods online. Convenience is a main factor for this group and they have little to no concern about product price or delivery charges. The other major category within this market is families with young children. Similar to the previously discussed category, this category includes single parents, dual-income households, middle-income and above average-earning households. The key differentiator is that this category has one or more children, typically with at least one child under the age of five years old. This group consists of adults in their late 20s to 40s. The individuals in this category turn to online grocery shopping because it saves them time, is less hectic, and overall more convenient in nature. Other categories include college students and military families who are not located close to a standard-size store or who wish to purchase products found only in their home regions. In addition, the elderly, disabled and those individuals who find it difficult to get out of the house make up a significant share of online grocery shoppers. As such, the share of senior citizens and disabled individuals has grown over the past five years and is expected to continue growing in the future. Furthermore, online grocery shoppers are more than twice as likely as the average internet user to go online to read and post product reviews, download coupons and search for recipes, according to a study by the Nielsen Company from September 2009 (Panteva, 2012).
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Growing Up in a Violent World Essay -- childhood, child development, v
Childhood, according to wordnetweb, is the time of a person's life when they are a child or the state of a child between infancy and adolescence. The period defined as childhood might not change, because it will always be between infancy and adolescence, but the activities and development acquired in that time changes from generation to generation. If you ask an adult how was their childhood they might tell you thousands of different stories regarding their friends, the games they used to play, the lives they used to live and the simplicity of life they had. They might tell you about how they used to run through the neighborhoods with their friends, kill bugs, eat soil and â€Å"discover†new territories. They might tell you about the time the broke their arm when they fell off a tree they were climbing or how fun it was to swim at the lake with their friends. Now, if you ask a kid born on the new millennium, the new generation, he might give you a completely different scene f or what childhood is for him. For him, childhood might mean staying up late watching TV series regarding sex and drugs, or playing Play Station, X-Box or Wii for 5 or even 6 straight hours. They might also tell you about the time they accidentally found porn on the internet or when they were grounded for using obscene language that they previously had learned from a movie. Life as we used to know it has changed, drastically. This world has become a very hostile world, were advertisement owns the streets and all the means of communication. The kids of this new â€Å"technology†era are the ones who suffer the most with his hostility, and we have to do something about it. Children are being bombarded with explicit material all the time by the media. What are all the la... ... different concept and hostility is a common environment. Bringing children to life in this era is far much more complicated than what it used to be, and parenting has become an exhausting and tough job. Being a parent in this time means having to be EXTRA-careful with what your child is exposed to these days, means taking the time to explain and correct them from all the wrong concepts of values they have learned from TV. It is in our hand to change this world for the better, we have to raise our voices and fight against the media and all these things they are causing in our children. The hostility of our world not only affects children, because adults are affected too, but our children are the men and women of tomorrow, and for that we have the responsibility to guide them, to teach them, and to make their learning and development environment as safe as it can be.
Monday, November 11, 2019
Dances With Wolves
The film â€Å"Dances With Wolves†initiates with Lt. John Dunbar in fear of having his leg amputated by the doctors, he would rather die than to live without his leg. In his attempt to die, he decides to become a distraction to the enemy by riding in front of them and be the main target. While they were trying to shoot him, the rest of the union he belongs to overcome the enemy.Consequently Dunbar is named a hero and is offered a station wherever he liked. He chooses the frontier, so he can see it before it is gone. When he finally arrives, he finds the place completely deserted. Right away he starts fixing the setting, but with less motivation as time goes by. He is alone and with no news from the army for over a month, his horse Cisco and a wolf he named Two Socks are his only companions. He is then found by the Sioux who decide to try to talk to him rather than to kill him.With passions Dumbar and the Sioux start to learn each others language and commence to communicate wi th ease, after a while they became trusted friends and Dumbar is even offered to move in with the Sioux, an offer he accepts. Dunbar and Stands With A Fist, a white woman who lived with the Sioux since childhood, fall in love with each other and marry. Because of this, he is even more accepted as a good man, he is even given a name, Dances With Wolves. When moving to the winter camp with the Sioux, Dumbar goes back to his soddy to get his journal, but when he arrived he found that U.S. troops had already gotten there and mistook his for an Indian because of his clothing. He was mistreated and they killed both Cisco and Two Socks.A group of Sioux men go to find Dumbar and find him, with the help of him, they killed the solders that had him cuffed. They then return with the rest of their people, but Dumbar knows that he is putting their lives in danger by being with them because he knows that the U.S. solders will hunt him down. Therefore he decides to leave with his wife in order to protect the Sioux. The best for this country is to expand and that is exactly what we have done. We fought to improve our country and we took out anyone who was standing in the way. Western expansion was the best way to head, but there was a problem, the Native Americans were living in the Great Plains, we had to take over this land. After all it is Gods will, our destiny, for our great country to expand west.It is manifest destiny and it is inevitable. The more land we have, the more powerful our country will be. I do not feel any remorse what so ever for the Indians, they are nothing but thieves who are worth nothing more than the exodusters. Having all this land, the Homestead Act was passed, now any citizen or intended citizen who was head of the house hold was given 160 acres of land for free. I can predict our country will have a bright future. The only serious problem I can think of is for the farmers. Since the Railroad Industry has no competition, they can charge however much they want, and the farmers have to pay a ridiculous amount to transport their grain.The United Staters are despicable people who take things without asking. The U.S. Government does not understand that land cannot be owned. We have lived in this land for many years and it was not right that we were forced out of our home. We had done nothing to the U.S. Government, yet they wanted war. Even worst, they do not understand the Importance of buffalo. Buffalo provides a lot more than just food, it is essential for survival. The buffalo was needed for clothing, tools, weapons and other gadgets. To make everything even worst, the Dawes Act was passed. They wanted to Americanize us, they wanted to force us to leave our culture.Leaving my culture is like becoming someone I am not, leave my whole life behind, what a disgrace, I would rather die. The one person who I clash with all the time is my mother. Although she raised me, most of our views are different. I find her making many judg ments in everyone’s actions, and even though I know that judgment is inevitable, I believe she takes it too far. Even if someone’s action were innocent, if it had a negative outcome, she said they were irresponsible and a bad person.Although I do think people should think before they act, if they meant no harm then they are not bad people, because not everything turns out as expected. My mothers and I started arguing in the beginning of my 7th grade years, after I turned 12. At that age I started becoming more opinionated and defending my believes. My mother was outraged that I did not have her exact mentality and ever since that age it has been an on-going battle between us about everything we did not fully agree on, which is mostly everything.This film was an excellent tool to connect to what we are studding in class. Watching this movie gave me an ever greater understanding of what had taken place, how, and how everyone felt about it. To be able to see actual people going through this helped me realize that it was all real and that it actually happened. Reminding me that it was real just made this learning experience more interesting.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Feature article
Anything that's not straight news, editorial or sport. Gives a human dimension to the news Responds to the reader's curiosity while entertaining at the same time Truth and accuracy are still Important Can't tolerated †NOT Inverted pyramid style Sub-stories of the news Skills similar to fiction writers Narrates that keeps the readers absorbed Brings out the drama of people's lives Know which details to highlight Vivid descriptions -Colorful dialogue -Humor Begins with an anecdote -memorable ending A nut graph rather than a lead Feature writing tells the reader a story.It has a beginning (lead), middle and end. It uses quote liberally (It mean generously If you're too lazy to search It up) and allows the reader to see the story through detailed description and vivid writing. Topic-Background inf001nterview0Expert testimony 1) Lead: Most interesting information. Something that will grab the reader's attention and drag them into the story. 2) Nut Graph: A summary of what the story is going to be about. Why the story is important 3) Direct quote: Connects to the nut graph. Use more than one sentence. Direct quotes should show emotion of the story 4)Transition: Next important fact. Use transition words to help the story flow. They can be facts, indirect facts indirect quotes or partial quotes 5) Direct quote: Connects to the nut graph. Use more than one sentence. Direct quotes should show emotion of the story 6) Transition: Next important fact. Use transition words to help the story flow. They can be facts, indirect facts indirect quotes or partial quotes 7) Direct quote: Connects to the nut graph. Use more than one sentence. Direct quotes should show emotion of the story Types of Feature Stories: Concentrate on the business ownerLook for their competitions If there's no info, concentrate on how they started business. Should not be written like an advertisement B) The commemorative story Pegged to the anniversary of an earlier news event Written at the 1st ann iversary Interview people who was involved in the story (e. G anniversary of the death of Kennedy) C) The Explanatory story Very detailed Requires saturation research C) The first-person story Something dramatic happens to the writer Story with I or you is used in a suspenseful event D) The historical story Loosely pegged to a breaking news eventWriters research in the library Show readers how their community would changed E) The Hobbyist story Make sure you're writing about the biggest or the best unusual collection in your area Talk to other collectors F) How-to story Interview with 1 or more experts who advise the reader how to accomplish a tricky task Timeless article but could be pegged to a season G) The invention story Good feature material Inventor will not usually give interviews unless they know their idea is protected Timing is the key. Talk about an invention H) The medical story Medical breakthrough storyThe struggle to overcome illness l) The number story: Interviews w ith experts and a familiar # â€Å"10 ways to deliver baby.. †Or â€Å"10 restaurants in NYC you must go W' J) The odd- occupation story Find a person with a weird Job such like a window washer for skyscrapers Basically a profile but about a weird Job K) Review Book, restaurant You need to be an expert to know this topic L) Trend Silly ban, fashion trends Examines something that is a trend in society Begins with examples M) The service article Provides service to reader Help readers cope with problems in lifeN) The overview story Overview of a problem Statistics with expert, humanistic qualities O) The participatory story First hand knowledge You go and try it yourself and basically â€Å"participate†in it P) The Profile Story Profile any one Pick someone of interest, ask for interview, research Groups, institutions, events, things Q) The Unfamiliar visitor story: Offer unique insight of a problem, culture, or event through a eyes of a person E. G bombing in airport , interview Arab student R) Catalogs List things but not in numerical order but Just in a list S) Interview storySubject be a person of interest Written in 3rd person Includes direct or indirect Feature leads Delayed- withholds essential information for a few paragraphs Descriptive (situation lead or anecdotal lead)- paints a word portrait of a person, group, place or event Direct address- â€Å"you†involves reader Expression lead- use proverbs, mottos First person lead-using â€Å"I†Freak lead- are rare, includes definition, fragments, poetry, puns. Short words. Question lead: Last resort; should be avoided Quotation lead; direct, indirect, or partial quotation. Tied to some sort of description f the person.Relationship lead- most common feature article lead. Describe cause and effect Surprise lead- astonished, punch, or cartridge lead. Shocks the reader and will only be clear after they read the body. Summary lead- sums up in a few sentences How to write the body o f the story Transitionolinkingobridge word Words that connect- e. G. Also, and, another, besides Bridge words- are words that are the identical or synonymous. Sentences that bridge- Sentences has to be moved around so that the passage would make sense. Writing Gremlins Long paragraphs Weak verbs Wordiness Jargon- Feature article Anything that's not straight news, editorial or sport. Gives a human dimension to the news Responds to the reader's curiosity while entertaining at the same time Truth and accuracy are still Important Can't tolerated †NOT Inverted pyramid style Sub-stories of the news Skills similar to fiction writers Narrates that keeps the readers absorbed Brings out the drama of people's lives Know which details to highlight Vivid descriptions -Colorful dialogue -Humor Begins with an anecdote -memorable ending A nut graph rather than a lead Feature writing tells the reader a story.It has a beginning (lead), middle and end. It uses quote liberally (It mean generously If you're too lazy to search It up) and allows the reader to see the story through detailed description and vivid writing. Topic-Background inf001nterview0Expert testimony 1) Lead: Most interesting information. Something that will grab the reader's attention and drag them into the story. 2) Nut Graph: A summary of what the story is going to be about. Why the story is important 3) Direct quote: Connects to the nut graph. Use more than one sentence. Direct quotes should show emotion of the story 4)Transition: Next important fact. Use transition words to help the story flow. They can be facts, indirect facts indirect quotes or partial quotes 5) Direct quote: Connects to the nut graph. Use more than one sentence. Direct quotes should show emotion of the story 6) Transition: Next important fact. Use transition words to help the story flow. They can be facts, indirect facts indirect quotes or partial quotes 7) Direct quote: Connects to the nut graph. Use more than one sentence. Direct quotes should show emotion of the story Types of Feature Stories: Concentrate on the business ownerLook for their competitions If there's no info, concentrate on how they started business. Should not be written like an advertisement B) The commemorative story Pegged to the anniversary of an earlier news event Written at the 1st ann iversary Interview people who was involved in the story (e. G anniversary of the death of Kennedy) C) The Explanatory story Very detailed Requires saturation research C) The first-person story Something dramatic happens to the writer Story with I or you is used in a suspenseful event D) The historical story Loosely pegged to a breaking news eventWriters research in the library Show readers how their community would changed E) The Hobbyist story Make sure you're writing about the biggest or the best unusual collection in your area Talk to other collectors F) How-to story Interview with 1 or more experts who advise the reader how to accomplish a tricky task Timeless article but could be pegged to a season G) The invention story Good feature material Inventor will not usually give interviews unless they know their idea is protected Timing is the key. Talk about an invention H) The medical story Medical breakthrough storyThe struggle to overcome illness l) The number story: Interviews w ith experts and a familiar # â€Å"10 ways to deliver baby.. †Or â€Å"10 restaurants in NYC you must go W' J) The odd- occupation story Find a person with a weird Job such like a window washer for skyscrapers Basically a profile but about a weird Job K) Review Book, restaurant You need to be an expert to know this topic L) Trend Silly ban, fashion trends Examines something that is a trend in society Begins with examples M) The service article Provides service to reader Help readers cope with problems in lifeN) The overview story Overview of a problem Statistics with expert, humanistic qualities O) The participatory story First hand knowledge You go and try it yourself and basically â€Å"participate†in it P) The Profile Story Profile any one Pick someone of interest, ask for interview, research Groups, institutions, events, things Q) The Unfamiliar visitor story: Offer unique insight of a problem, culture, or event through a eyes of a person E. G bombing in airport , interview Arab student R) Catalogs List things but not in numerical order but Just in a list S) Interview storySubject be a person of interest Written in 3rd person Includes direct or indirect Feature leads Delayed- withholds essential information for a few paragraphs Descriptive (situation lead or anecdotal lead)- paints a word portrait of a person, group, place or event Direct address- â€Å"you†involves reader Expression lead- use proverbs, mottos First person lead-using â€Å"I†Freak lead- are rare, includes definition, fragments, poetry, puns. Short words. Question lead: Last resort; should be avoided Quotation lead; direct, indirect, or partial quotation. Tied to some sort of description f the person.Relationship lead- most common feature article lead. Describe cause and effect Surprise lead- astonished, punch, or cartridge lead. Shocks the reader and will only be clear after they read the body. Summary lead- sums up in a few sentences How to write the body o f the story Transitionolinkingobridge word Words that connect- e. G. Also, and, another, besides Bridge words- are words that are the identical or synonymous. Sentences that bridge- Sentences has to be moved around so that the passage would make sense. Writing Gremlins Long paragraphs Weak verbs Wordiness Jargon-
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Design of Goods and Services Essay Example
Design of Goods and Services Essay Example Design of Goods and Services Essay Design of Goods and Services Essay Name: Course: Instructor: Date: Design of Goods and Services The four stages of a product lifecycle: entry into the market by the product, growth of the product in the new market, maturity of the product in the market segment and the decline of the product in the market are necessary in any organization. Any Regal boat’s life cycle is usually three years. This might be attributed to the presence of vigorous competition in the boat making market. In addition, this is also attributed to the new technology, which aids the companies involved in the boat making business develop new products, which might rival other companies like Regal. Hence, Regal is prompted to develop constantly new products, which are highly competitive in the market. In addition, the boat making business is a lucrative one provided an entity could maintain its competitive advantage through the development of new products, which have an appeal for the selected target consumer markets. In addition, the constant development of new products is necessitated by the need to g ain market share by regal given that the boat making industry requires detailed products for the various target market niches in the boat industry (Funk, 12). The use of technology is essential to regal for the development of new boats given the wide range of new boats, which are needed, in the consumer market. The use of technology is essential for Regal because of its operations in a digital world. Computer Aided Design (CAD) also enhances the quick research and development of new products given the market has a huge demand for new products (Funk, 27). In addition, Regal incorporates ideas from suppliers in the early stages of designing the various boats. This is essential for Regal in that, diversity in knowledge is provided by the various suppliers to produce high quality boats, which are appealing to the various consumers. This is an indication of the value of partnerships emphasized by Regal in manufacturing of boats. The use of Computer Aided Design has accrued numerous benefits to the organization given the need to develop highly competitive boats. CAD as a system helps in the determination of engineering data such as the engine placement space, torque, weight of the boat, aerodynamics and dimensions and shape of the boat. Such are among the most essential facets of a boat for any boat enthusiasts. In addition, it also enables the designers as well as engineers to ensure that the acquired supplies will fit perfectly into the design of the boat. Traditional methods of drafting relied on the presence of talented artist for sketches of the new products or boats. This is a tedious and draining process because it involves the use of sketches, which are at times inaccurate. Hence, this was relatively slow due to the need to attain accurate designs, which could incorporate the various parts and design specifications of the boats. Hence, the use of CAD was essential for attainment of relevant and accurate designs. In addition, technology is essential for the development of appealing products for the consumers such as fuel-efficient boats, powerful boats, and small or large boats that consume less fuel (Thomke, Reinertsen, 26). None of the identified aspects was given emphasis in the use of traditional drawing and sketching of boat designs. This is however possible given that such aspects are detailed in the use of CAD, which gives detailed designs for the eventual construction of boats. This is an indication of the use of technology in enhancing business operations. Such has enabled Regal to attain productivity by reducing time in the research and eventual development of new products. Furthermore, it has also aided Regal in the aspect of competitiveness by enabling the entity to develop highly efficient, competitive and high quality products for the various target boat enthusiasts whose preference varies (Thomke, Reinertsen, 29). Work Cited Funk, Jeffrey L. â€Å"The Product Life Cycle Theory and Product Line Management: The Case of Mobile Phones†IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, Vol. 51, (2). May 2004. Print. Thomke, Stefan. Reinertsen, Donald. â€Å"Six Myths of Product Development†Harvard Business Review, Vol 4. 2005.Print.
Monday, November 4, 2019
Authenticity in Trumpet
Authenticity in Trumpet Jackie Kay’s novel Trumpet depicts characters who naturally challenge the conventional perceptions of race, gender, identity, and other socially constructed aspects of humanity. The text is set in the United Kingdom in the early to mid twentieth century, a time when being unconventional in these respects was particularly taboo. Kays novel establishes that many facets of identity cannot be viewed through an essentialist lens, and Kay uses the believable authenticity of her characters to exemplify this idea by pitting authenticity against societal norms. The main characters of the novel exhibit a variety of unconventional characteristics. Joss Moody, for example, is the biracial offspring of a Black man and a White woman, and the text frequently alludes to the inevitability of his parents’ marriage creating tensions and obstacles during his youth, even without directly depicting much of his childhood. Joss also marries Millie, a White woman, despite everyone perceiving him as incontrovertibly Black; Millie’s own family is reluctant to accept the aberrant relationship that she cements with Joss. Above all, though, the most pertinent challenge to societal norms is the fact that Joss is biologically female and living as a heterosexual man. This challenge is compounded by Joss and Millie adopting a son, Colman, to satisfy Millie’s yearn for a child. Even adopted children are faced with the life of being inherently unconventional, simply because they are raised by guardians other than their biological parents. With regard to the very unconventional characteristics depicted in the text, though, Kay makes a point to balance them against a conventional perception in such a way as to prove that these conventions are not fixed. Rather, conventional observers erroneously fail to consider perspectives that society has marginalized. For example, Kay bothers to mention several times that Colman actually favors his father, especially in his youth; consequently, many people make the mistake of claiming to see a resemblance that biologically is not present. On a more significant level, everyone in the text believes unquestioningly that Joss is a man until it is found out that he is biologically female. Joss lives as a man in every aspect of his life, even in ways that would not be necessary if he were only doing so to be a Jazz musician (i.e. courting, dating, marrying, and having frequent sex with Millie); this lifestyle points to the authenticity of Joss’s masculinity given that the very idea of authenticity is left undefined and undisputed. Even after learning that Joss is biologically female and still consenting to marry him, Millie only questions her relationship with Joss relative to having a baby; even then, she does not question the validity of the relationship. She genuinely asks herself, â€Å"Why can’t he give me a child? He can do everything else. Walk like a man, talk like a man, dress like a man, blow his horn like a man. Why can’t he get me pregnant†(Kay 61). Millie refers to Joss with masculine pronouns and describes the several ways in which Joss is every bit the man she wants. The only aspect of manhood she cannot find in him is the biological one, a factor that speaks to the authenticity of Joss’s gender challenging his sex. Late in the novel, Millie describes part of her and Joss’s morning routine after they had been married for a while, and what she describes further establishes masculinity as Joss’s authentic persona. It also alludes to her love for the man that Joss was as opposed to any attempt to delude herself into believing he was a man in order to facilitate some counterfeit love. She says, I wrapped two cream bandages around his breasts every morning, early. I wrapped them round and round, tight. I didn’t think about anything except doing it well. [†¦] I don’t remember thinking much. I had to help him get dressed so that he could enjoy his day and be comfortable. [†¦] He was always more comfortable when he was dressed. More secure somehow. My handsome tall man. He’d smile at me shyly. He’d say, ‘How do I look?’ And I’d say, ‘Perfect. You look perfect’ (Kay 317-8). In this passage, Millie says multiple times tha t she didn’t think about anything other than ensuring that her husband was comfortable. His security was her primary concern, and after Joss was dressed and secure in his manhood, they were both at ease. She is even able to admire the man she helps to build, an admiration which makes nothing but sense in light of the clichà © school of thought that every good man is a man that a good woman helped to build. Through instances such as the morning routine, Trumpet uses Joss’s authenticity to challenge the conventional views of gender in the early twentieth century. In doing so, Kays text parallels this major challenge with several other ancillary challenges to societal norms. The purpose of this pervasive trope is to show the variability of identity that the most rigid traditional conventions refuse to acknowledge.
Saturday, November 2, 2019
Analysis of a research study article Descriptive Vividness Paper
Analysis of a study article Descriptive Vividness - Research Paper Example Actually the objective of the researchers was to find methods on how to implement a successful conversation on the part of the General Practitioners to urge patients to quit smoking. Descriptive Vividness The obvious thing which strikes the reader after reading the research paper is it vividness in description. The article starts with an abstract with gives a brief synopsis of the background, the methods, the results and the conclusion of the survey. The authors then proceed to describe each of these points in detail. The Background of the paper narrates the previous records of such surveys in cigarette smoking, the purpose of this survey, the sample population selected for the research and in general the theories deduced from previous surveys on cigarette smoking. The paper gives a brief overview of the method used (QCA) for deducing the results and goes on to describe the participants of the survey. This section enumerates how the interviewees were chosen from among the population and how ethical and legal permission was obtained for the survey. The paper then describes the interview process which was conducted in the participants’ home by the General Practitioner. ... The paper follows up the results a vivid discussion on the empirical results. This contains the analytical portion of the paper. The research ends with the Concluding part which presents the practical results of the survey in a nutshell. The role of the spouses and close associates in the life of a smoker is found to be very significant and can influence him to stop smoking. Also General Practitioners can become successful in encouraging their smoking patients to quit smoking, if they cite case studies from previous history. Therefore, the paper describes at length the entire research process. Methodological Congruence Tromso is a city on Northern Norway which housed 61,000 residents in 2001. The population of Tromso, which was above the age of sixty, was surveyed and it was discovered that 82% of the men and 53% of the women had been daily smokers at one point of time. Out of this, 23% of both the men and women still used to smoke. Thus, a large number of the population had stopped smoking. When the researchers wanted to discover methods to encourage people to stop smoking, the population of Tromso proved to be very suitable. Thus, it can be inferred that the sample population selected for the survey interview had the characteristics of being a good sample population. (Medbo, Melbye & Rudebeck 2011 p2) The surveyors designed as Interview Guide which outlined the general guidelines of the Interview Process. It did not follow a very strict format; instead the guidelines of the process were semi-structured. There are both advantages we well as disadvantages of such a format. There are some people who are comfortable answering a lenient form of interview, which is not based on a strict question format. Such people offer their honest opinions
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