Thursday, October 31, 2019
Auguste Comte Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Auguste Comte - Research Paper Example Comte’s success in defining sociology from an all-embracive or universal perceptive provokes the frontiers of other branches of knowledge to accept it and utilize in various purposes. Due to these harmonious relations of sociology with other sciences, scholars were inspired to consider it as science and they began to consider human being as well as his society and culture as a subject matter of this branch of knowledge. According to Comte, the preamble of sociology is considered to be embedded in his Positive Philosophy, that is, Positivism. After theoretically reviewing all the origins of all sciences he comes to a conclusion that human knowledge about has gone along three different stages: theological, metaphysical and scientific. The later, according to Comte, is Positivism. Therefore it is evident that Comte’s Positivism involves the scientific exploration of human society and thus â€Å"sociology†emerges as a branch of human knowledge. In fact, the polysemu s connotation of the scientific exploration of society provokes him to use the term â€Å"positivism†. At the theological phase, the knowledge of society basically comes from how religion and religious beliefs tend to define it. This theological view is based on the dogmatic doctrine of religion that is devoid of any opposition unless another religious view comes up with a set of totally different dogmas. It defines man and society as the implementation of the will of God and the social rules and regulations are referenced to God. This view, in the first place, circumcises the scope of experimenting the validity of the religious doctrines of society under the blasphemous taboo. So according to Comte, it goes exclusively goes against the zeal of science. But the Enlightenment in Europe in the 19th Century challenged this superiority of religion to shape human and to determine the position of human
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Master of Science in Information Management Personal Statement
Master of Science in Information Management - Personal Statement Example I had an attitude of first solving my issues before I sought for help. This attitude, seemingly, has made me have a passion in providing solutions in the ever advancing technological world. In class, I have done well in information technology with the general point average (gpa) of 3, 3. I have also done well in the IT lab and was named the best student in our class. In today’s living, all realms of life require information and technology. In the medical sector, robots are assuming the precise role of surgery. Data storage would be hectic if people were dependent on print media. Transfer of information has become lightning fast and the world has become a global village. With this in mind, and all other myriad of solutions that can be offered by technology, an advancement of knowledge in this field is imperative. The results are a good gauge of what I am capable of doing, given the chance to expand to a master’s level. I have excellent leadership skills that enhance my relationship with other students at Syracuse University, and that I have developed and learned from the university. As a leader, I hope to reconcile the interests of the student with those of the university. I will also use the learned skills in information technology in giving back to the community. Currently, I engage in activities where I teach the community members and those around me on the importance of protecting their personal information and ways through which they can do this. As a group, we talk to the small and upcoming businesses that are embracing the use of information and computer technology in their business operations. With new data gathering tools being invented and the computing power increasing in leaps and bounds, companies and governments need new policies and strategic plans on how to utilize the large amounts of data that is being captured. In order to stay competitive in this world where
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Applications of CAPTCHA
Applications of CAPTCHA Ramteen Talib CAPTCHA is a powerful tool Qingkun Ramteen Talib A CAPTCHA or Captcha is a type of challenge-response test used in to computing o ensure that the response is not generated by a computer. CAPTCHAÂÂ requires that the user type letters or digits from a distorted image that appears on the screen. Any user entering a correct solution is presumed to be human else user is bot and denied access. It is sometimes described as a reverse Turing test. OCRs(Optical Character Recognition) are not able to read CAPTCHAs Characteristeics A CAPTCHA is a means of automatically generating new challenges which: Current software is unable to solve accurately. Most humans can solve Does not rely on the type of CAPTCHA being new to the attacker. CAPTCHAs rely on difficult problems in artificial intelligence Origin First developed by Alta Vistain 1997.The term coined in 2000 by Luis von Ahn, Manuel Blum and Nicholas J. Hopper of Carnegie Mellon University and John Langford of IBM. Primitive CAPTCHAs seem to have been developed in 1997 by Andrei Broder, Martin Abadi, Krishna Bharat, and Mark Lillibridge to prevent bots from adding URLs to their search engine. Turning Test Proposed by Alan Turing To test a machines level of intelligence Human judge asks questions to two participants, one is a machine, he doesnt know which is which, If judge cant tell which is the machine, the machine passes the test. CAPTCHA employs a reverse Turing test, Judge = CAPTCHA program , Participant = user if user passes CAPTCHA, he is human If user fails, it is a machine Types of CAPTCHAs 1.Text Based CAPTCHAs 2.Graphics Based CAPTCHAs 3.Audio or Sound Based CAPTCHAs Text Based Typically relay on sophisticated distortion of text images rendering them unrecognizable to the state of the art of the pattern recognition programs but recognizable by humans. Examples: Simple, normal language questions: What is sum of three and thirty-five? If today is Saturday, what is day after tomorrow? Very effective, needs a large question bank Cognitively challenged users find it hard . Gimpy: Originally designed by Yahoo and CMU. Based on human ability to read heavily distorted and corrupted text. works by choosing a certain number of words from a dictionary, and then displaying them corrupted and distorted in an image; after that Gimpy asks the user to type the words displayed in that image. EZ-Gimpy: A modified version of Gimpy. Used in Yahoo Messenger Service. It contains only one random character string. The word is random and not picked from the dictionary. Its not a good implementation of CAPTCHA, and already broken OCRs. MSN Passport service CAPTCHAs: its provided for Microsoft MSN services. uses 8 characters. Warping is used to distort. Its very strongly implemented and hasnÂÂ ·t been broken Graphic Based CAPTCHAs Requires user to perform image recognition test. Examples: IMAGINATION: CAPTCHA that requires two steps to be passed. first step visitor clicks elsewhere on the picture that composed of a few images and selects in this way a single image. second step the selected image is loaded. It is enlarged but very distorted. Also variants of the answer are loaded on the client side. The visitor should select a correct answer from the set of the proposed words. BONGO: After M.M.Bongard, pattern recognition expert. User has to solve a pattern recognition problem. ASSIRA: Animal Species Image Recognition for Restricting Access. Its a HIP that works by asking users to identify photographs of cats and dogs. Difficult for computers but humans can accomplish it very quickly and accurately. Audio CAPTCHAs Require user to solve a speech recognition test. In this version of captcha letters are read aloud instead of being displayed in an image. Helps visually disabled users Below is the Googles audio enabled CAPTCHA. 3D CAPTCHA 3DCaptcha is the captcha nice to humans, bad to machines. It is written in PHP. A new approach to captchas, using humans spatial cognition abilities to differentiate humans from machines. It uses a markov-chain to generate words that resemble human language and are easy to type, yet avoid dictionary lookups. It filters profane language. Its easy to deploy. Re-CAPTCHA Free CAPTCHA service that helps to digitize books, newspapers and old time radio shows. reCAPTCHA improves the process of digitizing books by sending words that cannot be read by computers to the Web in the form of CAPTCHAs for humans to decipher. Each word that cannot be read correctly by OCR is placed on animage and used as a CAPTCHA. This is possible because most OCR programs alert you when a wordcannot be read correctly. Working of reCAPTCHA: Two words are shown, one word is known as Control Word, and another one is known a questionable word. System assumes that if human types the control word correctly, the questionable word is also correct. The identification performed by each OCR program is given a value of 0.5 points, and each interpretation by a human is given a full point. Once a given identification hits 2.5 votes, the word is considered called. Applications Preventing Comment Spam in Blogs Protecting Website Registration Protecting Email Address From Scrapers Online Polls Preventing Dictionary Attacks Search Engine Bots Worms and Spam Advancing Artificial Intelligence Called Hard-AI problems. CAPTCHA tests are based on open problems in artificial intelligence (AI). A win-win scenario: Either a CAPTCHA is not broken and there is a way to differentiate humans from computers. Or the CAPTCHA is broken and an AI problem is solved. Thus AI knowledge is advanced if CAPTCHAs are broken. V/S Constructing CAPTCHAs Things to keep in mind: Dont store CAPTCHA solution in Web pages meta data A CAPTCHA is no good if it doesnt distort Need a large database of different CAPTCHA questions Avoid repetition of questions CAPTCHA Logic: Generate the question Persist the correct answer Present the question to user Evaluate answer, if incorrect, start again-Generate a different CAPTCHA If correct, allow access to user Guidelines: Accessibility Image security Script security Security after widespread adoption Custom implementation or a general CAPTCHA? Breaking CAPTCHAs Cracking CAPTCHAs through programs Convert CAPTCHA into greyscale Detect patterns in the image corresponding to characters Or, read session files of that user and know the CAPTCHA word Solution: Only store a hash of the CAPTCHA word in session files Issues with CAPTCHAs Usability issues W3C mandates Web to be accessible to all people Some CAPTCHAs are inaccessible to visually impaired, cognitively challenged people Compatibility issues JavaScript may need to be activated in browsers Some may need Adobe Flash plugin installed Real World Conclusion CAPTCHAs are an effective way to counter bots and reduce spam They serve dual purposeÂÂ ²help advance AI knowledge Applications are variedÂÂ ²from stopping bots to character recognition pattern matching Some issues with current implementations represent challenges for future improvements
Friday, October 25, 2019
North and South and Hard Times Essay -- Dickens Hard Times Essays
North and South and Hard Times   In "Industrial" H Sussman states that "one of the most significant shifts created by industrialism" was that of the "separation of the workplace from the home". This "shift" created "new gender roles" with the "husband as breadwinner [and the] wife as childcare giver" and led ultimately to the "19th century ideology of the two separate spheres - the masculine public sphere of work [and] the private female sphere of domesticity". Is, however, this "shift" one which Elizabeth Gaskell in North and South and Charles Dickens in Hard Times not only reflect but one which they endorse?  If the public sphere is masculine then the opening chapters of HardTimes immediately confronts us with this masculinity in the form of Gradgrind. The opening line of the novel, "Now what I want is facts", is assertive and authorative, the masculine manifestation of public speech. The demand for facts can be articulated by Gradgrind and responded to in the appropriate terms by Bitzer, who too, is part of this masculine world, and who can therefore clinically define a horse. Sissy Jupe however, in the face of such assertiveness is unable to react in any terms other than being inarticulate and "alarmed". Dickens however does not share Gradgrind's demands for the masculine "fact". In writing Hard Times Dickens drew heavily from the criticism of industrial society in Thomas Carlyle's essay "Signs of the Times". In this essay Carlyle condemned a society where: "Not only the external and physical alone is... managed by machinery, but the internal and spiritual also". This is the idea that the competitive, masculine, business sphere has permeated into the private sphere,... ...ard times but reflections of deeply divided ones.  BIBLIOGRAPHY:  North and South, Elizabeth Gaskell, Penguin Classics (1995).  Hard Times, Charles Dickens, Oxford World Classics (1998).  "Signs of the Times", Thomas Carlyle, Thomas Carlyle: Selected Writings , Penguin Classics (1971)  "Industrial", H Sussman in A Companion to Victorian Literature and Culture, ed. Herbet F. Tucker (1999).  "The Industrial Novels", Raymond Williams in Culture and Society (1958).  "What must not be said: North and South and the problem of women's work", Catherine Barnes Stevenson.  "The Domestic Sphere in the Victorian Age", Bonnie G. Smith in Changing Lives.  Charles Dickens: The Critical Heritage ed. Phillip Collins.  Elizabeth Gaskell: The Critical Heritage ed. Angus Fasson.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
ASEAN Integration by cultural and Literal Development Essay
â€Å"PASUC socio cultural and literary development towards ASEAN Integration†How does PASUC socio cultural and literary development can be a way towards ASEAN Integration? (Not yet done) Progress. A very immense word, hard to achieve and a very high goal for 3rd class countries. Seven thousand and a hundred seven islands called Philippines are bounded with a gift from God in the form of knowledge and wisdom. It has been achieved through the pains, sweat and blood of our forefathers. At times like this where economic discrepancy is being a crisis in all the parts of the globe, our knowledge needs improvement. This leads to new disputes that have given our generation an endeavour to strive more to achieve socio cultural and literary development; making progress towards ASEAN Integration. Literary and socio cultural development offers a great opportunity not only to oneself but also to the country in different terms to make Philippines globally competitive. Achieving such development requires a lot of effort since community should be first educated on what the integration entails so entrepreneurs can maximize the benefits of free trade. The Integration is expected to boost investments, job creation, and incomes in the region. While the ASEAN Integration is expected to level the playing field among industries in the region, it is also expected that Philippine firms should brace for an intense competition with their ASEAN counterparts. An intense competition will therefore raise the bar for innovation, quality and productivity, which will enable businesses to compete head on with other players. To be able to compete to neighbouring countries in Asia, Philippines in terms of economic factor, we should be literate and socio cultural aware. Starting from our University can create such big change. Philippine Association of State Universities and Colleges indeed hones students to be more knowledgeable by introducing programs that develops literacy. For example, conducting contests and trainings that levels up wisdom of students. Literacy and socio cultural awareness gives Filipinos confidence in facing not only local employers but also abroad. This is evidenced by Filipinos all over the globe standing out in their chosen career. Since ASEAN or Association of South East Asian Nation is one of the highest organizations here in Asia, it is an honour and a great privilege to be the part of the said integration. Again, the young and the middle class are the drivers of growth. However, we cannot capitalize on these opportunities if we do not do the right things. In the case of the Philippines, we need to invest in educating our young people. That is the challenge for the PASUC – to become a catalyst for integration itself. It will be a more daunting challenge for smaller sections like Universities but this is where the=government can step in to facilitate the sharing of information. It is at this point in time that the vital role of PASUC as well as the students must come to the fore by being the instrument in influencing people in embracing and promoting socio cultural and literary development through University honing for achieving positive results that constructs a bridge to ASEAN integration. Particularly, the school must engage in enforcing the application of higher quality of education and trainings. Not only PASUC must tighten the grip to the goals but also the Filipinos themselves. Cooperation and teamwork can make this happen, for one voice might be a whisper but a thousand whispers make a big ROAR.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Zero Translation of Brand Name of Electronic Product
Brand name translation is important for these companies to make their products acceptable in China. But brand name translation is more difficult than translation of other text types because of its features and functions. Among all translation theories, functionalist translation theory, proposed in Germany in 1970s, breaks through traditional translation theories and focuses on functions of translation action. It provides zero translation with theoretic support. Zero translation is appropriate for brand name translation because zero translation emphasizes the effect of translation.This thesis is going to introduce the difficulty of brand name translation, zero translation and functionalist translation theory with many examples of electronic product brand name to prove that zero translation is an effective method for translating brand name. Key words: Zero translation; Functionalist translation theory; brand name; electronic products I , , , ,20 70 , , : ; ; ; II Zero Tra nslation of Brand Name of Electronic Product Introduction During recent decades, China has become one of the largest markets in the world, and all international companies sell their products and services in China, including electronic products. In order to increase sales in China, many companies translate their brand names in Chinese to help Chinese consumers recognize and accept their products. However, there are many difficulties in translating brand names. On one hand, brand names and their translations must be informative and concise.On the other hand, there are unavoidable differences between the culture of SL and that of TL. Equivalence-based theory focuses on the translation and the equivalence of content. But if the translation of brand name is simple, it often cannot express the cultural meaning of brand name in SL or the characteristics of products, and users of TL cannot understand the brand’s meaning or imagine the product’s characteristics as users of SL d o. If the translation of brand name expresses the cultural meaning of SL fully, it usually cannot be simple and easy to be memorized.Thus, how to translate brand names is difficult. In 1970s, functionalist theory was put forward and it emphasized the purpose of translation rather than the equivalence of content. The purpose of brand translation is to transmit the information of products such as advantages of products and the culture of company to domestic consumers. In consideration of conciseness and cultural differences, many brand names are translated with transliteration and transference. In 2001, Professor Qiu Maoru brought about a new term, zero translation, after the study of non-translation by Professor Du Zhengming in 2000.In the view of Qiu, zero translation includes omission, transliteration and transference. In recent years, some studies have proved that zero translation is an effective method of brand name translation and it agrees with the functionalist translation the ory. Since 1970s, with the development of technology, a large number of electronic products, such as computers, mobile phones, digital 1 cameras, have been developed and produced, and they have succeeded in changing people’s life style and work pattern.This thesis is going to prove that zero translation is an applicable method of brand name translation by providing some typical examples and by analyzing the usage of zero translation in brand translation. Chapter 1 Literature Review 1. 1 Study of Du Zhengming Professor Du Zhengming defines zero translation as non-translation and he thinks that not only transferring the original form of SL into TL is a kind of non-translation but also transliteration is a kind of non-translation because non-translation is the opposite of translation and because translation is to translate meanings.Du negates zero translation as a special method of translation, and it was unacceptable by others that his concept of zero translation covered transl iteration and non-translation. 1. 2 Study of Qiu Maoru In 2001, Professor Qiu Maoru published an article named Translatability and Zero Translation in Chinese Translators Journal and brought forward the item, zero translation. â€Å"Zero translation means translating words in SL without using the ready-existing words in TL. It includes two meanings: 1. translating with a deliberate omission of words in SL; 2. ranslating without using the ready-existing words in TL. †(Qiu 26) It is the first time that zero translation appears and triggers more debates on the definition of zero translation.But the omission should not be considered as a kind of zero translation because it is different from transference and transliteration. The omission is used to keep briefness without losing cultural meaning of SL, but the other two are applied for avoiding losing cultural meaning, therefore the purpose of omission is different from those of the other two methods. 1. Study of Liu Mingdong 2 In 2002, Liu Mingdong divided zero translation into two kinds, absolute zero translation and relative zero translation on the base of the study of Qiu. The absolute zero translation means direct usage of original form in SL and it includes ellipsis and transference. Relative zero translation is to express words of SL with the appropriate usage of words in TL and it includes transliteration, sound-meaning combination translation, complementary translation, image translation, literal translation with notes and adaptation.Although Liu developed the concept of zero translation, he still did not clarify the definition of zero translation. 1. 4 Study of Zhang Mengya In 2011, Zhang Mengya, in an article discussing brand zero translation, divided zero translation into two kinds, narrow zero translation and general zero translation. The former is transference and the latter contains transliteration and complementary translation. She further analyzed zero translation under the functionalist tra nslation theory and thought that zero translation of brand name helped companies express their spirit based on the consumers’ cultural habits.Although the definition of zero translation is still unclear, translators have accepted the concept of zero translation and take it as a common translation strategy. This thesis will not focus on the definition or the classification of zero translation and it will analyze the usage of zero translation in brand name translati on to prove the applicability of zero translation. Chapter 2 Introduction to Brand Name In the modern society, the world has unprecedented prosperity of economy, which embodies the improvement of living standard, the decrease of unemployment and the production of various commodities.Meanwhile, competition is so fierce that all companies seek their own advantages to expand sales. Some companies with long history and virtue of excellent quality regard brand name as a significant advantage because it symbolizes recogni tion and faith of customers. What is brand name or trade 3 mark? â€Å"‘Brand name’ is the name given to a product by the company that makes it†(Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English 207) Brand name is a distinctive sign that help customers distinguish or identify particular products or services which produced or provided by a specific person, enterprise or a group of persons or enterprises.For example, in 1972, in order to change its brand name to a special one, Standard Oil Company in New Jersey spent million dollars and hired hundreds of people and they managed to discover a group of letters, Exxon, which had been never used in any language on Earth and thus would avoid ambiguity. When people see Exxon now, only Exxon Oil Company appears in their minds because Exxon has no other meaning but Exxon Oil Company and it is easy to be distinguished. This example shows some features of brand names such as conciseness, identification and novelty.In the following part, the author will discuss features of brand names. 2. 1 Features of Brand Name: Conciseness, Identification and Novelt y Brand name helps consumers to distinguish its products or services from others', therefore it must be so easy to be recognized that people are likely to notice its products among products of the same kind, in other words, brand name must be concise and distinctive. Identification helps people to be aware of differences between different products.For example, brand names of mobile products of Apple Company include iPhone, iPad, iPod and iTouch and the company plans to produce a television called iTV. It is easy to recognize products of Apple Company because their brand names begin with the letter I, and even some people think of Apple Company when they see any sign beginning with the letter I. Brand name should be short because it is hard to be remembered if it is too long. It is undeniable that a long brand name leave people deep impression, but they can hard ly distinguish it from similar ones.Because some shorter ones are imitated, for instance Hike imitates Nike and Kuma imitates Puma, let alone longer ones. Brand names are supposed to leave people deep impression as long as possible and some particular brand names always appear in their mind when they want to buy something. Novelty is a feature of brand name and it can not only avoid ambiguity just as the example of Exxon shows but also offer 4 people pleasant feeling and fresh impression. Nokia adopts Lumia as its next series of Window Phone because Lumia is easy to be pronounced in all languages and has no negative meaning in any culture. . 2 Functions of Brand Name As mentioned above, brand names are concise and novelty, as a way of identification. Those features are met to suit the functions of brands. 2. 2. 1 Informative Function Brand name is directly linked to product, showing people their features. But brand name usually shows only one of their features of product because it is short. Some brand names come from the location or the main founder of company. For example, BMW, the world-famous automobile brand, is the abbreviation of Bavarian Motor Works, which shows that the company is located in Bavaria.Nokia, one of the largest handset manufacturers in the world, is just the name of the small town in Finland where the company was created in 1865. Goodyear, the third largest tire maker, is named after Charles Goodyear, the inventor of vulcanized rubber. Sennheiser, the famous audio equipment manufacturer, is named after its founder, Fritz Sennheiser. Some others show the quality or the cultural meaning of product such as the effect of products and the goal of purchase.For example, Lux, a soap brand name owned by Unilever, stresses the effect of the soap, which lusters the skin, because the letter lux shares the same root word with the letter luster and it is the unit of illuminance. Pampers, the most famous brand of baby diapers owned by P;G, reflects the love from parents to children. These brands named after people and location have little cultural meaning and they just show the history or information of company. But others are created on the base of culture and their results of translation are meaningless if they are transmitted without the ground of culture. . 2. 2 Stimulating Consumption When a company launches new products, it must consider and identify target 5 customers to meet the particular need of them because people of different ages, nations and genders have various needs and preference. Even for the same kind of goods, for example mobile phone, different people have different needs. Females usually focus on the appearance, elders prefer to long standby time and teenagers intend to pursue high-end configuration and more functions. Thus, with the limit of cost, new products should highlight their different advantages.Similarly, brand names should also cater to target customers to stimulate consumption. Brand names of aut omobile should reflect the pursuit of speed or safety, for example, the letter Rover in Land Rover, an automobile manufacturer that specialize all-terrain vehicles, is the name of an ancient Nordic nation, representing bravery and riding waives. Volvo is a world-famous automobile manufacturer too and its brand name means rotating wheels, representing moving forward. However, cosmetic brand name should leave people, especially women, feelings of beauty and youth.People always imagine refreshing and cleanliness when they use products of Clean-Clear, and another brand name, Biotherm, shows perfect combination of human and nature, because bio represents human life and therm mineral springs. 2. 3 Common Methods of Brand Name Translation There are some common methods of brand name translation, including transliteration, literal translation, free translation and mixed translation. â€Å"Transliteration is a method which is used often. It refers to write a word, sentence, etc. n the alphab et of a different language on writing system†(Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English 2136) Many companies adopt transliteration because it can keep the pronunciation and exotic flavor of the original form closely. Some of brand names that adopt transliteration are Nokia as , Motorola as and Adidas as . Literal translation is the rendering of text from one language to another word-for-word and it expresses the meaning of words or characters of brand name. Therefore, literal translation is the most common because it convey message of brand name directly and keep fidelity of brand name.Apple as , Blackberry as ? 6 ?, and Red Bull as apply literal translation. â€Å"Free translation reproduces the matter without the manner or the content without the form of the original. Usually it is a paraphrase much longer than the original†(Newmark 46). This method maintains the original meaning and achieves fluent and natural expression in TT, but it sacrifices the original for m. Free translation has advantages in expressing functions and effects of products and in arousing identification of customers. For instance, Whisper as ? belongs to this method.Mixed translation combines transliteration with literal translation to preserve similarity of meaning and pronunciation. For example, Safeguard as and Head ; Shoulders as . 2. 4 Difficulties in Translating Brand Names The above part presents features of brand name, including conciseness, identification and novelty. When international companies sell their products or services in a foreign country, they usually translate their brand names into the local language because these foreigners are unfamiliar with products or brand names in foreign languages. Thus it is necessary to translate brand names.But translating br and names is more difficult than creating a new brand name because translation not only conforms to these features but also faces the difference of culture. The difference of culture has existed s ince the beginning of translation. Unlike translation of article, which can explain cultural differences by annotation, translation of brand name has no room for annotation because brand name must be short. Therefore translation of brand name always loses a part of information of the original form such as pronunciation, form and cultural meaning. For example, in China, Lux is translated as which only maintains pronunciation but has nothing to do with effects of product, therefore Chinese customers are unlikely to feel effects of product when they see this Chinese brand name. Like the translation of Lux, that of other brand names usually keeps pronunciation but neglects the cultural meaning. But it is true that some translators abandon cultural meanings deliberately to avoid conflict of culture because of special cultural preference and taboo. Arabs disfavor panda traditionally because panda looks like pig that Allah forbids Islamists to eat in the Quran. In western culture, peacock is 7 greedy and evil animal just as Lord Shen, who is a white peacock and the main villain in Kung Fu Panda 2, therefore peacock should not appear in brand names in western countries. In order to solve problems of the translation of brand names, translators have sought many translation strategies such as homophonic pun, transliteration and paraphrase, and a new concept of translation strategy has appeared since the beginning of 21st century. In the following part, the author will introduce this new concept, zero translation. Chapter 3 Introduction to Zero Translation 3. 1 The Concept of Zero TranslationThe concept of zero translation was mentioned firstly by Professor Qiu Maoru in 2001. In his article Translatability and Zero Translation, published in Chinese Translators Journal, Professor Qiu brought forward the new item, zero translation. In order to explain this item, he pointed out that zero translation meant translating words in SL without using the ready-existing words in TL and classified it into two kinds. The first one is translating with a deliberate omission of words in SL and the other one is translating without using the ready-existing words in TL. The first kind is used to olve problems of lexical and syntactical differences between two languages and it is called Omission by Zhang Peiji in A Course in English-Chinese Translation. But there is no lexical or syntactical problem in brand name translation because of the limit of length. The other kind includes transference and transliteration. Transliteration maps the sounds of source language to the best matching script of goal language, meaning English words are translated into Chinese characters and they have phonetic connection. Transference is a translation technique that employs foreign words directly in goal language.Professor Qiu thinks that both transliteration and transference belong to zero translation because they use no ready-existing words of TL. In 2001, Liu Mingdong further studied z ero translation on the base of result of study of Professor Qiu. Liu divided zero translation into two kinds, absolute and relative zero translation. Absolute zero translation is to use foreign words directly 8 without any change. Both transference and ellipsis belong to this kind. The other kind is to translate original words by using words or characters of goal language with artful change. It contains transliteration, sound-meaning combination translation, complementary translation, image translation and literal translation with notes and adaptation†(Liu 30) Liu realized that it was difficult to find an equal script of TL for all translation actions and that adopting zero translation is unavoidable. Although many scholars have proposed their own opinions on zero translation and had a heated discussion since the appearance of zero translation, widely accepted methods of zero translation contain transference, transliteration, sound-meaning translation and complementary transl ation. . 2 The Difference between Zero Translation and Non-translation Zero translation is different from non-translation, which is presented by Du Zhengming. He thinks that non-translation was opposite to translation. Defining zero translation as non-translation, Du stresses that the aim of translation is to convey meaning of original content and transliteration is not a method of translation because transliteration hardly expresses original meaning in TL. In his view, employing the original form of SL without any change belongs to non-translation too.But his viewpoint is not accepted widely. The discussion of zero translation and non-translation refers to that of translatability and untranslatability, which has been debated since May Fourth Movement. Proponents of translatability acknowledge difficulties in translation as the result of cultural differences, but such difficulties can be solved by translators. The task of translator is to achieve better effect of translation by expl oring new translation strategies. The idea of proponents of untranslatability is opposite.They emphasize the incommensurability between languages, which means that the information of one language cannot be conveyed fully in another language. What is more difficult than the incommensurability between languages for translators is the incommensurability on culture level and the latter one embodies in the former. They overemphasize deficiency and the uselessness of translation. But they absolutize the cultural 9 difference and something special in one language. Changing and reforming special information in SL are common in practice of translation and such information is only a small part of the context of SL.The fact of translation history for thousands years also refutes the untranslatability. From the above introduction, it is clear that zero translation is different from non-translation because non-translation negates the aim of translation and the practice of translators but zero tr anslation is an effective strategy to cope with untranslatability. In Zero Translation vs. untranslatability: On Essence of Zero Translation, Luo Guoqing stated that untranslatability was paradox and pseudoproposition. â€Å"Translation is cross-linguistic and bidirectional communication.Translators have ability to lead readers into the culture of SL to cognize the item of SL, which is progressive and respective sense of zero translation. â€Å"(Luo 120) In the age of information explosion, workload of translators has increased sharply and they are likely to face more untranslatable items. In such situation, zero translation is a good solution because it can not only prove efficiency but also realize communicational function. Zero translation approaches the original form with no or little change and provides better understanding of cultural meaning of SL for readers than traditional methods do. . 3 Usage of Zero Translation Before the concept of zero translation was proposed, its methods had been adopted in translation of, especially, proper names, abbreviation and words with special cultural meaning. Now, the writer is going to provide some examples of zero translation. 3. 3. 1 Translation of Proper Names Proper names include people's name, place name, terms and abbreviation. Because of differences of pronunciation and writing system, proper names are more difficult to translate than other words. In TL, there always is no equal part corresponding to words of SL.But they are the most active part of language, thus they 10 will be communication obstacles if they are not translated. The translation of proper names, which should consider SL and keep accuracy, often adopts transference, transliteration and complementary translation. The following part will discuss the translation of people's name, place name, terms and abbreviation. Terms are professional words in particular areas with characteristics of time and profession. Because their meanings changed with th e development of their own areas, translation of them must be accurate and zero translation is the best way to translate them.Examples of transference are DNA, SARS, USB and GPS, and those of transliteration include clone as , gene as and Hertz as . Although these examples look simple, zero translation manages to meet terms' requirement of accuracy and standardization. In Zero Translation: Translation Strategy of Standardization of Scientific and Technological Terms, Wang Juxiang and Sang Yuanwei concluded that standardization of scientific and technological terms are translated most precisely by zero translation. (Sang, and Wang 35) People's name and place name contain obvious cultural identity.Place name often indicates geographic feature, products and history of the place. In the past, Chinese names were transliterated on the base of Wade-Giles romanization, which was invented by Thomas Francis Wade, a British diplomat. But the accuracy of Wade-Giles system has weaknesses, for example Peking as and Chingtao as ? ? . With development of Standardization, people's name and place name are transliterated on the base of Pinyin such as Beijing as . Many translations have been fixed and some of them are Tom as , Alice as , London as .Because of cultural permeation, it is common for people to speak original names without any translation to express their friendliness. Most names are transliterated but some adopt sound-meaning translation, for example Cambridge as and New Delhi as . Such diversification of translation means that translation of name is becoming less strict and the world more open and inclusive. 3. 3. 2 Translation of Abbreviation An abbreviation is â€Å"a short form of a word or expression. â€Å"( Longman Dictionary 11 of Contemporary English 3) Usually, but not always, it consists of a letter or group of letters taken from the word or phrase.It is convenient for people to read and write. For example, people usually do not speak or write Orga nization of Petroleum Exporting Countries but its abbreviation, OPEC. Such words have clear meaning but are too long for communication. They are created with social and scientific progress to meet the need of communication and have been widespread. Such words include ATM, NBA, GDP and VIP, etc. People can translate every word of original form into Chinese characters and results of such translation are correct, but these translations are still too long, for instance , , .Therefore most abbreviations are transferred and some abbreviations are transliterated. Table 1 Translation of Abbreviation Abbreviati Original Form Translation on Zero Method Translation OPEC Organization of Petroleum Transference Exporting Countries OPEC Transliteration WTO World Trade Organization WTO Transference WHO World Health Organization WHO Transference CEO Chief Executive Officer CEO Transference GDP Gross Domestic Product GDP Transference TOEFL Transference TOEFL Test of English as a Foreign Langu age DNA Deoxyribonucleic Acid ? Transliteration DNA Transference 3. 3. 3 Translation of Words with Cultural Meaning Zero translation is an effective strategy to translate words with unique cultural meaning. Such words, created in the history and tradition of particular group of people, have obvious features of area, history and nation. They are difficult for 12 translators because there is no equal part in TL. For example, people of TL cannot have the same feeling of people of SL when they read or hear Avatar because, in culture of TL, there is no such a god or person like avatar. Thus it is better to adopt transliteration to solve this problem.In translating ancient poems, it is difficult to translate traditional musical instruments such as . This unique instrument always leaves people deep beautiful impression of young women. If it is translated as violin or other western instrument, foreign readers are likely to have incorrect feelings. Thus it is better to translate it as pi pa by pinyin. The study of zero translation needs theoretic support. In the following part, the writer is going to analyze zero translation under functionalist theory. Chapter 4 Introduction to Functionalist Translation TheoryTraditional translation theories focus on equivalence of text, which means the transmission of message, but neglect functions of translation such as cultural communication. Nida's theory of dynamic equivalence and that of functional equivalence break the limit of traditional translation theories, but they are inadequate to process cultural elements in ST. In 1970s, functionalist translation theory appeared in Germany and flourished. It deemphasizes the equivalence of text, puts translation action into cross-cultural communication and considers function of translation as the core of theory.There are four people making great contributions to functionalist theory. They are Katharina Reiss, Hans Vermeer, Justa HolzManttari and Christiane Nord. This part is going to introduce their studies. 4. 1 Katharina Reiss Reiss proposed a model of translation assessment based on functional relationship between ST and TT in the book Possibilities and Limits of Translation Criticism. She points out that function of text should be a criterion of translation criticism. Her theory adheres to equivalence-based theory and advocates that the ideal translation is the achievement of equivalence of content, language form and 13 ommunicative function. But in practice it is impossible to achieve such equivalence. She is aware of the fact that not all functions of TT are the same as those of ST, and the form of TT is unnecessary to be same as that of ST, which means translation action does not need to achieve equivalence in traditional theories. Thus the function of translation is more important than equivalence. Translation criticism should depend on the circumstance of text, not on the analysis of features of original text, which takes precedence over traditional th eories.She thinks that a text has many functions but only one is dominant and this one controls the whole translation action. The judge of text type helps translators to determine the level of equivalence that should be achieved and to select the proper translation strategy. Reiss divides text types into three kinds, informative text, expressive text and operative text. Brand name belongs to the last kind whose purpose is to lead readers to act in a certain way. â€Å"Therefore, both the content and form are subordinate to the extralinguistic effect that the text is designed to achieve.Operative text translation should be guided by the overall aim of bringing about the same reaction in the audience. â€Å"(Zhang 10) 4. 2 Hans Vermeer Vermeer put forward the most important theory of functionalist theory, Skopos Theory. Skopos is a Greek word, meaning aim or purpose. He thinks that translation, like other human actions, has particular purpose, which is the core of the whole action o f translating. Just as his teacher, Reiss, does, he considers that the purpose of translation determines which method should be used. ‘Skopos theory' focuses above all on the purpose of translation, which determines translation methods and strategies that are to be employed in order to produce a functionally adequate result†(Mundy 97). Skopos theory has three rules, the skopos rule, the coherence rule and the fidelity rule. The skopos rule means the result of translation enables translation of text to realize its functions in the situation it is applied and with people who use it. In other words, the aim of translation determines the action of translation and the result of 14 translation decides selected strategy.The coherence rule, also called intratextual coherence, means that TT must be natural and fluent in TL and be understood by receivers, given the culture and circumstance of them. TT is the transmission of ST, and the content of TT must bear relationship with tha t of ST. Such relationship is called fidelity. From the above introduction to skopos theory, it is clear that the most element of translation action is addressee. Because receivers' culture, knowledge and needs determine the method and the strategy of translation. The three rules should be applied in zero translation of brand name.The aim of brand name translation is to keep the flavor of brand name in ST, which is the first rule. The second rule is to make the result of translation acceptable and understandable in culture of TL. The last one, the fidelity rule, preserves features of original brand name as many as possible. Therefore zero translation of brand name must adhere to the three rules. 4. 3 Justa Holz Manttari Manttari further develops functionalist theory and expands the area in which functionalist theory is adoptable. In her theory, translational action is regarded as a complex action designed to meet particular needs.Translation, driven by purpose, is to transfer messag e with cross-cultural communication. She mainly studies translational action, roles in such action and circumstance in which translational action occurred. 4. 4 Christiane Nord Nord firstly systematizes functionalist approaches and introduces functionalist translation theory comprehensively in her book Translating as a Purposeful Activity: Functionalist Approaches Explained in 1997. She agrees with the above three scholars' theories and creates her own theory, function plus loyalty. In her opinion, translators would abandon useless part of ST after they clarify the purpose of translation.She stresses the importance of ST and thinks that translators should be responsible for ST writers, TT addressees and initiators, and such responsibility is 15 loyalty. Loyalty is different from fidelity because fidelity is just the relationship between ST and TT but loyalty is interpersonal relationship among translators, ST writers, TT addressees and initiators. Besides purpose of translation, tra nslators have to reach a balance among other groups. TT must achieve the purpose of translation such as cultural communication and satisfy ST writers, TT addressees and initiators as much as possible. . 5 Zero Translation of Brand Name in the Light of Functionalist Theory According to functionalist translation theory, translation is a purposeful action and different text determines different translation strategy and criteria. Breaking through traditional translation theory, functionalist translation theory emphasizes the importance of function in evaluation and action of translation. In translating brand name, â€Å"it is essential that in the target language the same effect be achieved as the original in the source language†(Reiss 41).As a new kind of translation method, zero translation can achieve functional equivalence furthest. Functions of brand name are transferring information of products and stimulating consumption. Translation of brand name must realize those functi ons of original brand name. In other words, translation of brand name helps people of TL to understand and accept products by transferring features of products and meaning of original brand name across cultural boundary and to persuade potential consumers to make a purchase. Zero translation is an effective method to translate brand name for following advantages.Zero translation transmits information of brand name with no loss or least loss of original form. It leaves customers of TL the same feelings as SL people have by lead TL customers to understand meaning of brand name in the circumstance of SL. Thus zero translation can preserve functions of SL brand name as much as possible. Another advantage is identification. Because zero translation keeps the form or the pronunciation of brand name in SL, it is easy to avoid confusion. For example, Windows, an operating system developed by Microsoft, once was translated as , but its owner was unwilling to use this translation because ? w as likely to mislead Chinese users to consider it as an operating system developed by domestic 16 companies, and customers lost original user experience and feelings. Therefore Microsoft insisted on transferring Windows in China. The next chapter is going to provide some examples of electronic products to prove the applicability of main methods of zero translation such as transference, transliteration and complementary translation. Chapter 5 Zero Translation of Brand Name of Electronic Products People's lifestyle and working pattern has been changed by electronic products including computer, digital camera and mobile phone, etc.These products bring about convenience and have been necessities for most people. In recent decades, many international companies produce and sell their electronic products in China. In order to compete with domestic products, those international companies apply different translation methods to make their brand names acceptable in China. Some Chinese intend t o buy products of foreign brand names because these products signify wealth and taste. In such situations, zero translation keeps form and pronunciation more completely than other translation strategies.The writer finds that zero translation is common in translating brand names of electronic products because zero translation preserves the original flavor of brand name and wins customers' favor. Transliteration is often applied to translate brand names, which are easy to be pronounced in Chinese and others are translated by transference and complementary translation. 5. 1 Transliteration Many foreign companies are named after its founder or the place where it was founded, and their meanings make no sense in Chinese culture. It is difficult and useless to transmit meaning of those brand names.Therefore transliteration is the best method if their phonetic symbols are similar with pronunciation of Chinese characters. Dell and Nokia belong to this kind. Some brand names reflect the his tory of company. For example Motorola 17 is the combination of â€Å"motor†and rola. Motor means the company produced cars and rola is the suffix of Victrola, the name of predecessor of Motorola. The literal meaning of such brand name will not help people of TL accept its product because of the lack of cultural ground. It is better to transliterate them to keep the pronunciation.Transliteration is also applied to translate brand name with special meaning. The former name of Sony Corporation was Tokyo Telecommunications Engineering Corporation, but it was too long. In 1958, the former name was changed to Sony. The Sony name was created by combining sonus, the original Latin for sonic, meaning sound, with sonny, denoting small size, or a youthful boy. It was chosen for its simple pronunciation th at is the same in any language. The feature of Sony is conciseness and its meaning. But if translators want to express its meaning, TT will be too long and lose its feature.In China, it is transliterated to ? ? , which preserves the conciseness and the pronunciation of Sony. The writer will list more examples of brand name of electronic products. Table 2 Transliteration of Brand Name Brand Name Transliteration Canon Nikon Olympus Casio Leica Philips Alcatel Semheiser Shure 5. 2 Transference Some brand names are difficult to transliteration because of the difference of pronunciation between two languages and to translate their literal meaning with the 18 limit of length or the lack of original feelings.For this kind of brand name, the best translation method is transference. Thinkpad, created by staff of IBM, combines think with pad. The pad is the notepaper used in IBM and the letter think is IBM's motto printed on the top of the note paper. Because the literal meaning of Thinkpad is ?, which makes no sense in China, it is better to keep its original form. Like the translation of Thinkpad, transference is also applied in translating Android, a mobile operation system developed by Google, Shuffle, a MP3 player produced by Apple, Nexus, a mobile phone designed by Google, and Palm, a mobile phone producer. . 3 Complementary Translation â€Å"Complementary translation in brand name translation is a method by which translated brand name is not only homophonic with the original, but also has specific meaning. †(Zhang 27) It keeps phonetic feature of brand name and change the form of TT with artful skills. For example, the translation of Galaxy, a series of mobile phone designed by Samsung, is . The literal translation of Galaxy is , but it cannot express its top status among mobile phones as does. The writer collects fifty foreign brand names of electronic products and analyzes their translation methods.Here is the result of the survey. Table 3 Result of a Survey on Methods of Brand Name Translation Translation Transference Transliteration Number Percentage Literal Free Mixed translation method Complementary translation tran slation translation 7 24 5 3 5 6 14% 48% 10% 6% 10% 12% Zero translation 72% 19 Conclusion In this thesis, zero translation is divided into two kinds, absolute zero translation and relative zero translation, like Liu Mingdong’s classification, but the former one is transference and the latter covers transliteration and complementary translation.The item, zero translation was brought about following the concept of untranslatability, which is undeniable to some degree because of the difference between culture of SL and TL. The aim of zero translation is to express effects of product and information pf producer in the culture of SL without any loss and zero translation is better than other translation strategy because it shows the cultural meaning in the form of SL. Zero translation focuses on the purpose of translation without the emphasis on equivalence of content, therefore zero translation corresponds the functionalist theory.By analyzing these examples of brand names of ele ctronic products, this thesis proves that zero translation succeeded in meeting requirements of brand translation, thus zero translation is an applicable method in brand translation. 20 Reference 1. Du, Zhengming. [ ], , , (? )2000. . : ?, 2000 2. Holz-Manttari, Justa. Translational Action: Theory and Method. Shanghai: Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press, 1984 3. Liu, Mingdong. [ ], ? . ? , 2002,(1): 29-32 4. Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English.Beijing: Foreign Language Teaching and Researching Press, 2004 5. Luo, Guoqing. [ ]. :. , 2011,(2): 116-120 6. Mundy, Jeremy. Introducing Translation Studies Theories and Applications. London and New York: Routlege 2001 7. Newmark, Peter. A textbook of Translation. Shanghai: Foreign Language Teaching and Researching Press, 2001 8. Nord, Christiane. Translating as a PurposefulActivity-Functionalist Approaches Explained. Shanghai: Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press, 2001 9. Qiu, Maoru. [ ], ? . ? , 2001,(1): 2 4-27 10.Reiss, Katharina. Translation Criticism: The Potentials and Limitations. Shanghai: Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press, 2004 11. Sang, Yuanwei; Wang, Juxiang. [ ], : â€Å" †. , 2006(2): 32-35 12. Vermeer, Hans J. Skopos and Translation Commission. Shanghai: Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press, 2000 13. Zhang, Mengya. [ ], â€Å" â€Å", ? 21 , 2009 22 Acknowledgements First and foremost, I would like to show my deepest gratitude to my tutor, Professor Liu Shizhu, who is a devoted, professional, resourceful scholar.He has helped me in more than one way during my college study as well as in my thesis writing. He lights the way for me. Thanks to his inspirational ideas, I chose translation of brand name as the thesis theme. In the writing process, he helped me with encouragements and guidance. I should say that without his help, there is no chance that this thesis would be present. In the second place, I would like to thank my family for their care an d support for me. There is nothing more valuable to me than the love from family members.I still remember the day when I got stuck on writing the thesis; it is my father’s words encouraged me to look ahead. I should thank my mother for her delicious dishes and I owe a lot to my grandfather. My family has taught me to be a decent person, a person values honor and cares for others. Last but not least, I would like to extend my sincere thanks to all those who have helped me make this thesis possible and better. My lovely friends, my cheerful roommates, and the girl I want to spend my life with. They all help me, on the thesis or in my life. 23 24
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Cost Control and Cost Reduction Essays
Cost Control and Cost Reduction Essays Cost Control and Cost Reduction Essay Cost Control and Cost Reduction Essay PRINCIPLES OF COST CONTROL 1. 1 Introduction Cost is important to all industry. Costs can be divided into two general classes; absolute costs and relative costs. Absolute cost measures the loss in value of assets. Relative cost involves a comparison between the chosen course of action and the course of action that was rejected. This cost of the alternative action the action not taken is often called the opportunity cost. The accountant is primarily concerned with the absolute cost. However, the forest engineer, the planner, the manager needs to be concerned with the alternative cost the cost of the lost opportunity. Management has to be able to make comparisons between the policy that should be chosen and the policy that should be rejected. Such comparisons require the ability to predict costs, rather than merely record costs. Cost data are, of course, essential to the technique of cost prediction. However, the form in which much cost data are recorded limits accurate cost prediction to the field of comparable situations only. This limitation of accurate cost prediction may not be serious in industries where the production environment changes little from month to month or year to year. In harvesting, however, identical production situations are the exception rather than the rule. Unless the cost data are broken down and recorded as unit costs, and correlated with the factors that control their values, they are of little use in deciding between alternative procedures. Here, the approach to the problem of useful cost data is that of identification, isolation, and control of the factors affecting cost. . 2 Basic Classification of Costs Costs are divided into two types: variable costs, and fixed costs. Variable costs vary per unit of production. For example, they may be the cost per cubic meter of wood yarded, per cubic meter of dirt excavated, etc. Fixed costs, on the other hand, are incurred only once and as additional units of production are produced, the unit costs fall. Examples of fixed costs would be eq uipment move-in costs and road access costs. 1. 3 Total Cost and Unit-Cost Formulas As harvesting operations become more complicated and involve both fixed and ariable costs, there usually is more than one way to accomplish a given task. It may be possible to change the quantity of one or both types of cost, and thus to arrive at a minimum total cost. Mathematically, the relationship existing between volume of production and costs can be expressed by the following equations: Total cost = fixed cost + variable cost ? output In symbols using the first letters of the cost elements and N for the output or number of units of production, these simple formulas are C = F + NV UC = F/N + V 1. Breakeven Analysis A breakeven analysis determines the point at which one method becomes superior to another method of accomplishing some task or objective. Breakeven analysis is a common and important part of cost control. One illustration of a breakeven analysis would be to compare two methods of road construction for a road that involves a limited amount of cut-and-fill earthwork. It would be possible to do the earthwork by hand or by bulldozer. If the manual method were adopted, the fixed costs would be low or non-existent. Payment would be done on a daily basis and would call for direct supervision by a foreman. The cost would be calculated by estimating the time required and multiplying this time by the average wages of the men employed. The men could also be paid on a piece-work basis. Alternatively, this work could be done by a bulldozer which would have to be moved in from another site. Let us assume that the cost of the hand labor would be $0. 60 per cubic meter and the bulldozer would cost $0. 40 per cubic meter and would require $100 to move in from another site. The move for Excavation. If, on a set of coordinates, cost in dollars is plotted on the vertical axis and units of production on the horizontal axis, we can indicate fixed cost for any process by a horizontal line parallel to the x-axis. If variable ost per unit output is constant, then the total cost for any number of units of production will be the sum of the fixed cost and the variable cost multiplied by the number of units of production, or F + NV. If the cost data for two processes or methods, one of which has a higher variable cost, but lower fixed cost than the other are plotted on the same graph, the total cost lines will intersect at some point. At this point the levels of production and total cost are the same. This point is known as the breakeven point, since at this level one method is as economical as the other. Referring to Figure 1. 1 the breakeven point at which quantity the bulldozer alternative and the manual labor alternative become equal is at 500 cubic meters. We could have found this same result algebraically by writing F + NV = F + NV where F and V are the fixed and variable costs for the manual method, and F and V are the corresponding values for the bulldozer method. Since all values are known except N, we can solve for N using the formula N = (F F) / (V V) 1. 5 Minimum Cost Analyses A similar, but different problem is the determination of the point of minimum total cost. Instead of balancing two methods with different fixed and variable costs, the aim is to bring the sum of two costs to a minimum. We will assume a clearing crew of 20 men is clearing road right-of-way and the following facts are available: 1. Men are paid at the rate of $0. 40 per hour. 2. Time is measured from the time of leaving camp to the time of return. 3. Total walking time per man is increasing at the rate of 15 minutes per day. 4. The cost to move the camp is $50. If the camp is moved each day, no time is lost walking, but the camp cost is $50 per day. If the camp is not moved, on the second day 15 crew-minutes are lost or $2. 00. On the third day, the total walking time has increased 30 minutes, the fourth day, 45 minutes, and so on. How often should the camp be moved assuming all other things are equal? We could derive an algebraic expression using the sum of an arithmetic series if we wanted to solve this problem a number of times, but for demonstration purposes we can simply calculate the average total camp cost. The average total camp cost is the sum of the average daily cost of walking time plus the average daily cost of moving camp. If we moved camp each day, then average daily cost of walking time would be zero and the cost of moving camp would be $50. 00. If we moved the camp every other day, the cost of walking time is $2. 00 lost the second day, or an average of $1. 00 per day. The average daily cost of moving camp is $50 divided by 2 or $25. 00. The average total camp cost is then $26. 00. If we continued this process for various numbers of days the camp remains in location, we would obtain the results in Table 1. 1. TABLE 1. 1 Average daily total camp cost as the sum of the cost of walking time plus the cost of moving camp. Days camp remained in location| Average daily cost of walking time| Average daily cost of moving camp| Average total camp cost| 1| 0. 00| 50. 00| 50. 00| 2| 1. 00| 25. 00| 26. 00| 3| 2. 00| 16. 67| 18. 67| 4| 3. 00| 12. 50| 15. 50| 5| 4. 00| 10. 00| 14. 00| 6| 5. 00| 8. 33| 13. 33| 7| 6. 00| 7. 14| 13. 14| 8| 7. 00| 6. 25| 13. 25| 9| 8. 00| 5. 56| 13. 56| 10| 9. 00| 5. 00| 14. 00| We see the average daily cost of walking time increasing linearly and the average cost of moving camp decreasing as the number of days the camp remains in one location increases. The minimum cost is obtained for leaving the camp in location 7 days (Figure 1. 2). This minimum cost point should only be used as a guideline as all other things are rarely equal. An important output of the analysis is the sensitivity of the total cost to deviations from the minimum cost point. In this example, the total cost changes slowly between 5 and 10 days. Often, other considerations which may be difficult to quantify will affect the decision. In Section 2, we discuss balancing road costs against skidding costs. Sometimes roads are spaced more closely together than that indicated by the point of minimum total cost if excess road construction capacity is available. In this case the goal may be to reduce the risk of disrupting skidding production because of poor weather or equipment availability. Alternatively, we may choose to space roads farther apart to reduce environmental impacts. Due to the usually flat nature of the total cost curve, the increase in total cost is often small over a wide range of road spacings. Figure 1. 2 Costs for Camp Location Example.
Monday, October 21, 2019
Night of the Scorpion and Vultures Poem Comparison Essays
Night of the Scorpion and Vultures Poem Comparison Essays Night of the Scorpion and Vultures Poem Comparison Paper Night of the Scorpion and Vultures Poem Comparison Paper The two poems Night of the Scorpion and Vultures are both similar in several ways but the most obvious similarity is that both poems involve animals. Both poems also involve evil and love, Night of the Scorpion talking about the evil of a scorpions sting and a mothers love and Vultures talking about how evil creatures are able to love. In Night of the Scorpion, the speakers mother is stung by a scorpion and the local people try all sorts of bizarre and superstitious remedies. In this poem you feel some sympathy for the scorpion; it has been driven from its home by the rain and forced to take cover beneath a sack of rice. The scorpion is not being aggressive, it is not wandering through the house trying to find someone to sting, it is acting defensively because its hiding place has been disturbed. The vultures, however, seem a lot more sinister. They are seeking out corpses and gorging themselves on the flesh. Even though they are not being aggressive by attacking living animals, the fact that they are feasting on corpses makes you think of them as cowardly animals, waiting for another animal to kill something and then stealing the leftovers. Both of the animals act differently and therefore serve different purposes in their respective poems. In Night of the Scorpion, the scorpion causes pain to the speakers mother and it is this pain, and the people in the poems reactions to the pain, that is dealt with. In Vultures however, the vultures are used as metaphors to show that even evil things can love. Night of the Scorpion is a poem that deals mostly with someone elses pain, whereas the poem Vultures deals with a person who is causing pain. Night of the Scorpion involves the speaker in the poem, recalling an incident in which his mother was stung by a scorpion, whilst Vultures deals with a Nazi officer who has been killing people. Both poems also deal with infection, in Night of the Scorpion the mother has been infected with a scorpions venom, and this is coursing through her veins, and in Vultures, a Daddy has been infected with evil and has become a Nazi officer, not thinking twice about killing someone.
Sunday, October 20, 2019
Article Rebuttal Essay Example for Free
Article Rebuttal Essay Essay Topic: Art , African American Choose cite format: APA MLA Harvard Chicago ASA IEEE AMA Barack Obama (128) , rebuttal (10) For the past 17 months, shown on every television news channel across the United States. The case of George Zimmerman, and the shooting death of 17-year-old Trayvon Martin. Like every year, the media will take a case and publicly turn the story into a circus. The rebuttal article for this paper is a story written by Oliver Knox of titled, â€Å"Obama: Trayvon Martin could have been me 35 years ago.†Further discussion will analyze the reliability, credibility, and validity of the data used by Oliver Knox, and identify any logical fallacies in the argument. The article is about President Barack Obama making his first public comments on the George Zimmerman acquittal. The president stated that many African Americans believe the outcome and aftermath of the trial would have been different if Trayvon Martin had been white. The president later stated that when he first heard about this story, his thoughts said this could have been his son (Obama, 2013). Then getting more personal by saying this could have been me 35 years ago (Obama, 2013). By using personal experiences, the president discussed his life as a young African American dealing with racism in the United States. I find that the reliability, credibility, and validity of this article and author Oliver Knox highly trusted, convincing, and believable. News articles written and posted by reports a straightforward message to their audience. Reporting stories down the middle, never too left or right with the occasional bias author either for or against a particular topic. Keeping political views down to a minimal. This particular article matches other similar articles written on the same news story. Second, Oliver Knox wrote the story on the statements and words of the president as he addresses the American public. Third, the genuine author of this story is President Barack Obama himself, Oliver Knox just wrote his statement. The audience that the president focused on in his address is the African American people. Using his own personal experiences, the president can relate to the ongoing outrage of the African American public. President Obama feels the pain and disappointments of the outcome of the case. Because of this story first came out 17 months ago, many logical fallacies surfaced about this case. First, the media leaned toward a killing of an innocent young 17-year-old boy, minding his own business. Then showing a photo of this boy at the age of 12. Then here comes George Zimmerman, looking for trouble and looking for a fight by picking on a young African American boy. Would the story stay the same if George Zimmerman was African American with the same outcome, the public will never know what happened that night. Meanwhile, the story set the tone for future stories about this case. Raising the question about race possess anything to do with the incident between George Zimmerman and Trayvon Martin. The logical fallacies of this article happened when President Obama expressed his concerns and personal experiences with the American people. This incident could easily be him 35 years ago as a young person dealing with racism in America. Concern that African Americans think that this case developed on race. A belief in the legal system would have a different outcome if Trayvon were white. Even after juror number B37 came out stating that race had no issue to the outcome of the case. Both the jury and legal experts stated that Zimmerman and Trayvon made poor judgment the night, which led to the death of Trayvon. Statements by the jury referring the only reason for Zimmerman’s acquittal because the way the â€Å"stand your ground†law is written. This article also provided some good highlighted points. The president encouraged his audience to support and encourage the young people of this country by helping them achieve and succeed in life. To be more influential and guide them on the right track. If the young people do not have the support from family, friends, neighbors, and the community, who will help them stay on the righteous path (Obama, 2013). This news article written by Oliver Knox and other journalists in this country, reporting the feelings and concerns addressed by this nation’s leader. Stating the issue of racism still lives in the lives of some American people. Relating to his own personal feelings on racism and demanding change to overcome these barriers. So the people, as a nation will never see another George Zimmerman and Trayvon Martin case again. References Knox, O. (2013). Obama: Trayvon Martin ‘could have been me 35 years ago’. Yahoo We have essays on the following topics that may be of interest to you
Friday, October 18, 2019
Debate notes Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1
Debate notes - Essay Example At the University of Colorado, football coach Bill McCartney was accused of publicizing his religious views and giving priority in hiring, recruiting, and playing time to individuals sharing his religious attitude. [FN1] While similar practices might have gone unchecked in the past, several recent Supreme Court decisions have limited the days of blind indifference to these rituals. Pre-game prayers are regularly held in public high school and university locker rooms throughout the United States. These rituals are often undertaken without any thought to possible legal consequences because the coach, team, or school have never received any complaints from concerned athletes or parents. However, the Supreme Court has recently limited the various avenues by which prayers can enter into public school activities. [FN2] The First Amendment protects student-athletes by providing them with certain safeguards against state endorsed adherence to a specific religion, most often the coachs religion. This constitutional protection must be balanced against the coachs right to effectively run his or her team without having every word or action scrutinized. The conflict of prayer in a public university locker room centers on the students right to be free from state imposed religious indoctrination and the coachs right to free speech. This conflict can be examined through the eyes of the First Amendments Entanglement, Free Exercise and Free Speech clauses. Courts have yet to specifically address the topic of prayer in a public universitys locker room. Since there are no cases on point, this article will attempt to present the possible legal arguments that would be presented by the two sides of this debate. The players interest in practicing their religion is weighed against a coachs right to motivate his/her team. Both of these rights have to be examined in light of any action undertaken or attributable to the state, and whether those actions constitute endorsement
Pirates and Pointing Fingers Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Pirates and Pointing Fingers - Essay Example nto territorial waters were however drafted within the 20th century and must therefore be appreciated as good steps towards containing the global threat of maritime piracy. Back in 2007, Russia rose to become a pace setter in issues of maritime policy when it planted its flag within the Arctic ocean while expressing discontentment and discord in the manner maritime security has been handled over years especially within the high seas. Dodds (2011 63-73) critically analyzes the working of CCLS (Commission on the Limits of the Continental Shelf) as well as the various strategies that have been undertaken by coastal states towards the OCS (outer continental shelf). The study appreciated the efforts embraced by such states as Russia, Canada and Norway as well as member states to European Union on matters of controlling the maritime activity as favored by their geographic proximity to the high seas. As a discipline, political has risen to command great influence in the modern day studies as a discipline in the contemporary human society especially after the 20th century. Modernism and postmodernism have been distinctive disciplines with diversity of opinions especially in regard to human cultural diversity and the supremacy. Unlike the modernism principle that esteems ‘self’ even in matters pertaining to global effect, the postmodernism is much focused on pluralism and is much skeptical towards fundamental laws as well as the unchanging relations between individuals. Blacksell (2006, 169-171) shows that the oceans have been an integral part in human geography especially from the fact that the oceans occupy about 70% of the earth. Accordingly, he notes that even after human civilization, the better part of 20th century remained devoid of any form of control or political regulation on the oceans despite being greatly esteemed as a mode of transport. This lack of regu latory frameworks exposed sailors to greater risks from the terror groups and pirates who would not
Getting a Degree in the Business Administration Personal Statement
Getting a Degree in the Business Administration - Personal Statement Example A person has to work hard and dedicate her/himself towards the program. When I look at my self, I see that I am a hard working person and also have an attitude towards finance. In fact, I have been towards accounting, finance, and administration since the beginning. I completed my bachelors in Accounting in 1998, and masters in Public Administration in 2002. With regard to my working capabilities and experience, currently, I am disabled and physically unable to work full time due to my illness. Before my illness, I was a mid-level governmental financial and budget senior program manager. Although I am not able to work full time at the moment, I still volunteer at Orange County Government’s Neighborhood Centers for Families. These centers provide social services to lower income areas. I work in the organization as a volunteer by helping families establish family budgets. With regard to my future plan, I would like to return back to work as a full-time regular employee within a couple of years. In the future, I would like to utilize the competencies and expertise I learned in the business classes, especially in finance and organizational behavior to make the most of the growing relationship between the government and the non-profitable private organizations. After completing my degree, I would like to work as a part-time Adjunct Professor at a local university or college. As a part-time professor, I believe that I can focus on my true desire for teaching and research in a selected area in the field of finance. Doing research in minority finance is one of my dreams. I want to do research in this as I see that there is an ongoing belief in the African-American population that funding for African-American run non-profit companies and it cannot be found especially for upstart companies. Â
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Guillermo Furniture Store Analysis Research Paper - 1
Guillermo Furniture Store Analysis - Research Paper Example The benefits of operating as a sole proprietorship include the fact that Guillermo is able to make decisions without consulting anyone. With this in mind, Guillermo has decided not to merge with other organizations or even to acquire another organization. This led to the consideration of three options – continue as usual; purchase a hi-tech machine; and operate as a broker. However, before any decision can be taken, an analysis of the three options is required. Continuing as usual does not require Guillermo to do anything but to do business in the same manner as before. It is best that Guillermo makes some changes to his current operations. If sales and profits continue to fall then the end result is that the firm would have cease operations. However, with Guillermo’s reluctance to go the way of merger or acquisition closure of the business may be inevitable if the other options are not feasible. Purchasing a hi-tech machine is a very costly option as it requires an outlay of capital. Therefore, Guillermo’s ability to obtain funds as well as the cost of capital has to be a prime consideration. However, there are benefits that can be achieved from going this route. In order to break even, a certain level of sales would have to be achieved. The break-even point is achieved at the minimum level of sales which ensures that the firm neither makes a loss nor a profit. It is a measure of risk that is and s frequently used in making entrepreneurial decisions (Prakash and Deshpande 1982). This is only possible if Guillermo is able to produce furniture at a cost which is lower than the competition. This option of operating as a broker would require Guillermo to become a local distributor for an overseas firm while continuing to manufacture some of the items currently produced. This option will therefore require some changes in the way it has been operating as the main emphasis will be on distribution. This option does not require any capital outlay. An
STRategic Marketing Management ( Analysis and decisions ) Term Paper
STRategic Marketing Management ( Analysis and decisions ) - Term Paper Example Asides from modifying PCs, the company also developed the audio feature on these PCs that allowed melodies and speech to be played (Baldauf and Stair, 2010:74). Since its inception, the entity has achieved various milestones with the most remarkable one being the Sound Blaster audio cards. The entity has been through difficulties and has always emerged at the top. This paper gives a detailed analysis of Creative Technology and its strategic marketing management. The major factor that has contributed to the entity’s success over the years is Sim’s effective leadership. Sim is a born entrepreneur who comes up with creative ideas that have enabled the entity to remain afloat over time. He had a vision for his company and laid down quantifiable goals that saw the company increased profitability over the years (Koh, 2008:147). Sim was not only visionary but was a strategic decision-maker and highly effective in solving problems that came up in the company’s operations. The second aspect that has contributed to the company’s success is diversity in their products. It can be observed that technology is dynamic and in order to maintain its customers, the entity has always been conducting modifications on their products in the trendiest and latest designs. This can be observed on various occasions. For example, the company was in the lead in the sound card trade in the past twenty years and was struggling owing to the lack of new and inventive products. This explains why Creative Technology ventured into producing a wide array of products including high-end speakers, DVD players and graphic cards. This was followed by the launch of the Sound Blaster and the Cubic CT (Schaar and Chou, 2009:38). Later in 1998 the company entered into the digital segment of the entertainment industry by launching the Sound Blaster Live! That was enjoyed immense success and placed the company at a competitive advantage over its rivals including Philips and Sony.
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Choose from the book Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 1
Choose from the book - Essay Example Third, has there been feedback to this research. And, forth, what are the establishments and/or findings of this research. Parenthetically, researchers normally distinguish young as being between the ages of 18-29 (Zukin et al 11-12). However there is a prior issue: Why is civic engagement essential and, parenthetically, what is civic engagement? Well, this is the key of the Presidential Citizens Scholar Plan, something an individual will discuss, assess and examine as course participants so it would inappropriate for us to answer these questions for them. The extensive social importance, nevertheless, lie in the social contact and even intermittently civic discussions over pizza and beer that many people forgo. Some onlookers assert that an essential concept, or theory, that this reduction in engagement, disengagement, could be generations, that is, younger cohorts are less involved or engaged than older generations. If this is authentic and if the reduction in engagements perpetuat es then total disengagement is in the offing, that is, it is predisposed to the very near future. This particular issue is why researchers concentrating on young adult and civic engagement is now all the rage (Zukin at al 15-19). The public opinion polls indicate that young people do not comprehend the notions of citizenship, they are disconnected from the political process, and they are short of knowledge necessary for effectual self-government. This public opinion survey also shows that these young people support and appreciation of American democracy is restricted. The older generations have been doing so little to impart the standards of citizenship on to the next generation. But there is optimism. The account offers new proof that civic engagement makes a huge difference in the attitudes towards citizenship, understanding engagement of young people. The report is pegged on a countrywide opinion analysis devised to estimate how the civic attitudes, understanding and engagement o f young people: The DotNet generation between 16 and 26 years of age compare to those of older generations. The survey was carried out by Knowledge Networks: an investigative organization that implements scientifically bases Internet Polls (Zukin et al 20-34). A lot has been talked about generational differences in voting models during the 2008 election. An analysis of generation differences sheds some light into how social meanings of civic engagement and social liability have transformed in due course. In effect, a lot has made of what earlier generations have done in terms of service to American culture. Many issues about how to expand political engagement have also been raised in the academic dominion. University/college student political engagement could be increased by actively engaging the=m in service learning experiences. Though service learning is a didactic and learning program that incorporates meaningful community service with pedagogical instruction and reflection, the re has not been concerted endeavor to enhance service learning courses that decisively prepare young people for enthusiastically engaging in the political system. Generation is a practical concept as it facilitates researchers to assess political actions in terms of how different age groups, formed at unusual times and by special experiences, respond to political occurrences. Particularly, (Zukin et al 35-46) are interested in the degree to which dissimilar generations, have undergone different political and cultural happenings in their seminal and
STRategic Marketing Management ( Analysis and decisions ) Term Paper
STRategic Marketing Management ( Analysis and decisions ) - Term Paper Example Asides from modifying PCs, the company also developed the audio feature on these PCs that allowed melodies and speech to be played (Baldauf and Stair, 2010:74). Since its inception, the entity has achieved various milestones with the most remarkable one being the Sound Blaster audio cards. The entity has been through difficulties and has always emerged at the top. This paper gives a detailed analysis of Creative Technology and its strategic marketing management. The major factor that has contributed to the entity’s success over the years is Sim’s effective leadership. Sim is a born entrepreneur who comes up with creative ideas that have enabled the entity to remain afloat over time. He had a vision for his company and laid down quantifiable goals that saw the company increased profitability over the years (Koh, 2008:147). Sim was not only visionary but was a strategic decision-maker and highly effective in solving problems that came up in the company’s operations. The second aspect that has contributed to the company’s success is diversity in their products. It can be observed that technology is dynamic and in order to maintain its customers, the entity has always been conducting modifications on their products in the trendiest and latest designs. This can be observed on various occasions. For example, the company was in the lead in the sound card trade in the past twenty years and was struggling owing to the lack of new and inventive products. This explains why Creative Technology ventured into producing a wide array of products including high-end speakers, DVD players and graphic cards. This was followed by the launch of the Sound Blaster and the Cubic CT (Schaar and Chou, 2009:38). Later in 1998 the company entered into the digital segment of the entertainment industry by launching the Sound Blaster Live! That was enjoyed immense success and placed the company at a competitive advantage over its rivals including Philips and Sony.
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Gender Role Effects in The Yellow Wallpaper Essay Example for Free
Gender Role Effects in The Yellow Wallpaper Essay Charlotte Perkins Gilman was a feminist writer who wrote â€Å"The Yellow Wallpaper†in the 1890’s. During this time period the woman were expected to keep the house clean, care for their children, and listen to their husbands. The men were expected to work a job and be the head of a household. The story narrates a woman’s severe depression which she thinks is linked to the yellow wallpaper. Charlotte Gilman experienced depression in her life and it inspired her to write â€Å"The Yellow Wallpaper. †The short story is based on a woman, not given a name in the text, who is very dependent on her husband. The narrator plays a gender role that is degraded by her successful husband, who is a doctor, because she is a female. John ignores his wife’s accusations with the wallpaper and looks down on the fact that she cannot fulfill her duty as a woman, mother, or wife by treating and calling her childish names. Throughout the whole story the narrator is trying to tell her husband that she gets a weird vibe from the house and that the yellow wallpaper is driving her insane in the bedroom she stays in. The narrator states, â€Å"That spoils my ghostliness, I am afraid, but I don’t care- there is something strange about the house- I can feel it†(677). John ignores this and it angers her. Critic Davison writes, â€Å"With regard to her case, the narrator confides, â€Å"John does not know how much I really suffer. He knows there is no reason to suffer, and that satisfies him†(56). John tells her that she has a temporary nervous depression and a slight hysterical tendency. He says that she just needs rest, and she will be fine. She feels she cannot do anything about it because he is not only a doctor but her husband, so she just goes on with the days living in the mansion. As a female she is supposed to respect the man of the house and have little say so. Gilman writes, â€Å"My brother is also a physician, and also of high standing, and he says the same thing†(677). With two of her family members telling her this she feels like an unsuccessful woman. She feels as if John is turning her whole family against her and her emotions. John never listens to anything his wife has to say to him. This is an example of how women feel their opinion or voice never mattered in the 1890’s. The wife goes into great detail describing the wallpaper as if someone was really seeing it in their mind as they read the story. The paint and paper look as if a boy’s school had used it. It is stripped off- the paper- in great patches all around the head of my bed, about as far as I can reach, and in a great place on the other side of the room low down. I never saw a worse paper in my life. One of those sprawling, flamboyant patterns committing every artistic sin. It is dull enough to confuse the eye in following, pronounced enough to constantly irritate and provoke study, and when you follow the lame uncertain curves for a little distance they suddenly commit suicide- plunge off at outrageous angles, destroy themselves in unheard-of contradictions. The color is repellent, almost revolting: a smouldering unclean yellow, strangely faded by the slow-turning sunlight. It is a dull yet lurid orange in some places, a sickly sulphur tint in others (678). This description of the wallpaper obviously shows that there is something wrong with her mentally. It also shows the reader how she really feels about it and how it is affecting her, making her go insane. The narrator states, â€Å"It is stripped off- the paper- in great patches all around the head of my bed†(678). This can imply how she feels about her husband and family. They are always telling her nothing is wrong and ignore any thoughts she may have. Maybe she is tired of getting stripped down in a negative way from them such as; being ignored, treated like a child, and being locked up in the bedroom. She states, â€Å"The paper is dull enough to confuse the eye†(678). This description could imply that no one sees the paper the way she does. John might not see the crawling women because he does not have to stare at it all day every day. The description shows the emotions and describes the way the wife really feels about her condition. She uses language such as constantly irritates and provokes study, the uncertain curves commit suicide, it plunges off at outrageous angles, and destroys themselves in unheard- of contradictions suggests that she has dark thoughts of suicide or death (678). The wife’s description of the wallpaper and room which it is in makes it seem like she lives the life of a prisoner unable to escape the yellow wallpaper. The criticism of Wang states, â€Å"The narrator lives a life like a prisoner who is being gazed and observed all the time†(53). The observers of the narrator are her husband and her nurse. This quote implies that she is literally locked up all day in one room suffering from more depression as the days move forward. Another way John puts his wife down as a female is calling her names and acting like she is a baby. John states, â€Å"What is it, little girl?†(682). It is significant that he would call her that because she is his wife and they have a little child together. Gilman writes, â€Å"Then he took me in his arms and called me a blessed little goose, and said he would go down to the cellar, if I wished, and have it whitewashed into the bargain†(679). He acts as if he is controlling of her being her father in a way instead of a husband. He read to her until she got tired and that is what a father would do for his child. The adjective little also adds power to the quote because it suggests that she has no say- so as if she was his child. These words John calls her makes her refer back to her childhood. She was frightened from her childhood and this could add more agitation to her mental sickness. This is ironic because Gilman writes, â€Å"It was a nursery first, and then playroom and gymnasium, I should judge, for the windows are barred for little children, and there are rings and things in the walls†(678). All these things imply that she is stuck in a childhood state that she cannot escape to be the wife and mother she wishes to be. The narrator is not mentally able to fulfill the duties a mother was expected to do in the 1890’s. She is unable to watch and take care of her child as a mother. The wife states, â€Å"It is fortunate Mary is so good with the baby†¦Such a dear baby!†(678). Mary is a housekeeper/nurse who watches her and takes care of her child. The narrator states, â€Å"And yet I cannot be with him, it makes me so nervous†(678). This makes her feel as if she failed her role as a female because she was not able to perform the most common trait known to a woman. She is also not able to clean, cook, and keep the house up as a woman is supposed to do. She has to get Mary to do all of this for her. This could be another reason that makes her think something is really wrong with her. She is John’s wife but the things he calls her implies that she is not completing the role of a wife; therefore John treats her like a child. â€Å"They Yellow Wallpaper†is a confusing story with a horror vibe to it. Being a female, the wife feels that she is unable to escape the name calling, the portrayal of a child, and her husband. Her biggest problem is not being able to get away from the wallpaper that causes her great depression. John claims there is nothing wrong with her throughout the whole story because she has no symptoms of any sickness. Her family members even tell her that nothing is wrong and she feels that she cannot do anything for herself. The Yellow Wallpaper is an object the narrator does not escape causing her to go insane, be depressed, and fail at the role of a female during the 1890’s. Charlotte Gilman definitely leaves the reader stumped in the interpretation of the story. Works Cited Davison, Carol M. Haunted House/Haunted Heroine: Female Gothic Closets In ‘The Yellow Wallpaper.’ Womens Studies 33.1 (2004): 47-75. Academic Search Complete. Web. 20 Apr. 2012. Gilman, Charlotte P. â€Å"The Yellow Wallpaper.†Exploring Literature. Ed. Frank Madden. New York: Pearson, 2009. 676-87. Print. Wang, Lin-lin. Freed Or Destroyed:A Study On ‘The Yellow Wallpaper’ From The Perspective Of Foucauldian Panopticism. US-China Foreign Language 5.3 (2007): 52-57. Academic Search Complete. Web. 20 Apr. 2012.
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